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Unanswered Questions

95 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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366 views - "To create new wallets, additional XPUBs from the key are needed."

I'm trying to start using Nunchuk (, so I created 3 software keys on 3 different devices for my account, and then was able to create a wallet using those 3 keys as signers. But when I try ...
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2 answers

How to find xPub from wallet address

I'm trying to find a master public key (I believe this is the xPub) of an electrum wallet I no longer have access to. This is ok, I've moved all BTC from there. The thing is, I need the public key to ...
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1 answer

Generating HD Wallet Addresses in Java Using Bitcoinj

Is there some method that can be used to get the address, private and public key for any type of supported coin in a HD wallet? I can correctly generate these for Ethereum, which I verified on https://...
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1 answer

developing hd wallet using bip32 and bip 39

I'm developing a HD wallet using C#. I want to use this wallet for multiple blockchains like bitcoin, ethereum, dogecoin etc... I've read that I should use bip32 for my wallet. i know what's bip32 but ...
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0 answers

Should I use one `hsm_secret` for both the mainnet and the testnet?

When I launch lightningd it generates hsm_secret in ~/.lightning/bitcoin whereas launching lightningd with network=testnet generates hsm_secret in ~/.lightning/testnet. These two files seem to be ...
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0 answers

Deriving children of a 2-of-3 multisig address with 3 xpubs as the starting point

I want to derive the children of a HD Multisig address using each of the xpubs following BitGo specs, currently, I have 3 xpubs and can get to the point where I can derive main address very similar to ...
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0 answers

Java bip32 library

I'm looking for java library that will cover bip32 address derivation (xpub to P2PKH, P2SH, P2WSH, P2WPKH, P2SH-P2WPKH). There seem to be a lot of libraries covering P2PKH, but not much else (like ...
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0 answers

Why bother with 'account' in derivation path?

After lots of wallet testing, I'm thinking that only account level 0 should be used. Especially, when you consider restoring a wallet from the seed phrase. m / purpose' / coin_type' / account' / ...
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0 answers

Generating HD wallet seed phrase

got a new hardware wallet and thinking of using my own set of bip39 words instead of wallet generated one, combined with a passphrase.
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0 answers

How to store hd wallet seed in production server

I've developed a cryptocurrency payment gateway, which is a web application that generates new addresses for users, I've developed a HD wallet as a hot wallet for my application, and all addresses for ...
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1 answer

HD Wallets, XPUB and child private key leaks

So some generalisations on xpubs and current wallet providers. Ledger and Trezor wallets can create xpubs which can show all transactions of a wallet When a passphrase is added, this counts as a new ...
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0 answers

How to get the compressed WIF of my key?

I'm a trying to understand the different encoding on the private keys. What format is used by the iancoleman validator and why? How can I reproduce it? All my Data is valid. According to the bitcoin ...
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2 answers

Working Implementations of BIP85

Can anyone point me to working implementations of BIP85? The only one I'm aware of is the Coldcard Wallet implementation.
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0 answers

How are the prefixes for EXT_PUBLIC_KEY and EXT_PRIVATE_KEY derived?

I want to know how the prefixes for EXT_PUBLIC_KEY and EXT_PRIVATE_KEY are derived. For example in bitcoin you have: base58Prefixes[PUBKEY_ADDRESS] = std::vector<unsigned char>(1,0); ...
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0 answers

Does Electrum reveal a wallets public key to Electrum Servers?

When Electrum Bitcoin wallet queries a random Electrum Server does it send the public key to the server or does it send a batch of addresses to check? For instance, after setting up Electrum Personal ...

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