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Unanswered Questions

197 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
4 votes
1 answer

Simulating -walletnotify option in Electrum

When run in daemon mode, bitcoind accepts a parameter -walletnotify=<cmd> which runs <cmd> whenever a wallet transaction changes due to sending/receiving. Is there a similar feature in ...
3 votes
2 answers

In Electrum, how does one watch/poll a wallet for an incoming payments to a certain address via API?

I want to create a simple way to accepting bitcoins on my own, using Electrum. I don't except big volume. I suppose, I'd have at most a handful of incoming payments in the beginning. That is, I ...
3 votes
0 answers

Electrum Seed Purpose for MultiSig Wallet

I'm curious as to what exactly is protected by the seed that Electrum generates for a multisig wallet. My knowledge of the protocol implementation is rather basic, so please correct me where I'm wrong ...
3 votes
0 answers

Transferring wallet.dat from PC to Raspberry PI

I have the Stratis QT sofware running on my computer. I also have a working version of stratisd running on a raspberry pi, which I set up following this tutorial If I try to swap my wallet.dat on my ...
3 votes
0 answers

Electrum transaction still says unconfirmed parent

A transaction from Electrum is still showing unconfirmed parent even though the previous transaction in the chain has completed. Electrum has shown this for 24 hours now. I realize that my fee is ...
3 votes
0 answers

Electrum via command-line: can generic blockchain info be requested?

For example can I ask the Electrum client via it's API what the height or version of the latest block is? Looking through the docs all I currently see is wallet commands.
3 votes
0 answers

Electrum - Why do I have to Restore every time I use it?

I did not forget my password. I have been done dozens of transactions with Electrum, and every time I try to send bitcoins, I get "Invalid Password". So I restore from seed, set a new password, use it ...
3 votes
0 answers

Is it possible to import transaction history from an old electrum wallet to a new electrum wallet?

I see there is an option to export history but no option to import history. It would be nice to keep all my history in one wallet. Thx.
2 votes
0 answers

How does Electrum's "send change to lightning" work?

In Electrum, when sending to a non-Lightning ₿ address, I can choose the "send change to lightning" option. How does this work?
2 votes
0 answers

How to get transaction fee info using Python from an Electrum server?

I can get a raw transaction and parse it using electrum and bitcoinlib fairly easily: import bitcoinlib from electrum.daemon import Daemon from electrum.simple_config import SimpleConfig class ...
2 votes
0 answers

listaddressgroupings or dumpwallet? I need to dump private keys from Bitcoin-QT

I have a Bitcoin-QT wallet and the client is more than a year out of sycn. It would take years and massive amount of data to get it synced so, this is out of the question. My plan was to move my coins ...
2 votes
0 answers

Bitcoin Core missing public key when generating PSBT transaction

I use Bitcoin Core for offline signing. I created a legacy watch-only wallet, imported a public key using importpubkey, then called rescanblockchain, then generated a psbt transaction text(psbt_tx_txt)...
2 votes
2 answers

Electrum load_wallet through json-rpcs does not accept "wallet" parameter

When calling load_wallet through json-rpc, using "wallet" param with a path to the wallet throws an error: Commands.load_wallet() got an unexpected keyword argument 'wallet' In the same ...
2 votes
1 answer

Mempool docker unable to connect to electrum server

I'm having a problem with "connecting" my to electrumX server. My bitcoin core is working fine, electrumX server is fine as well and up to chaintip. I've installed docker and ...
2 votes
0 answers

How to use `blockchain.scripthash.subscribe` from a tcp socket in Electrum server

As a personal exercise I want to write a minimal copy of BTCPayServer. I decided to use Electrum server instead of a node to fetch information from the network. My final goal is to be able to track ...

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