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Unanswered Questions

86 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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get extended public key from extended private key in python

Can anyone tell me how I can get the extended public key from an extended private key in python. I know that I need to get the public key from the private key and that the public key + chain key = ...
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1 answer

Bitcoin listreceivedbyaddress as REST API

I am currently looking for a REST API service which will allow me to implement a super simple deposit system. Currently I am generating bitcoin addresses (mainnet + testnet) via Python. In addition to ...
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1 answer

How do nodes fetch unconfirmed transactions?

I'm taking up a project to build a software in python to mine cryptocurrency (preferably bitcoin). I have an overview of the computation that needs to be done. I would like to know how nodes fetch ...
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1 answer

Using the Bitcoin python library to generate Private Key [Noob question]

I have done pip install bitcoin and then wrote the below code: from bitcoin import * private_key = random_key() print(private_key) Now I am getting this error: Traceback (most recent call last): ...
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1 answer

Account Extended Public Key from mnemonic

tell me please, how we can receive Account Extended Public Key from mnemonic phrase via PHP or Python? Or possible in internet we have ready console scripts? I'm going to ...
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0 answers

Creating an OP_Return TX with Python bitcoinlib

How can I create an op_return TX with python bitcoinlib? The transaction should include the OP_RETURN HEX-Data and an address where I send my change money
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1 answer

python - No module named 'bitcoin' on Ubuntu using WSL on Windows 10

Which version of python should I use? When running pip3 install python-bitcoinlib I get 'Requirement already satisfied'. I run on Ubuntu using WSL in Windows 10. I have this error: >>> from ...
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0 answers

How do you Derive Addresses from a BIP49 Master Public Key using P2WPKH-P2SH?

I am trying to derive addresses from a master public key (aka extended public key) in python. I don't fully understand the math behind the key derivation, but have been able to decode the master ...
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0 answers

What's up with the block size of block# 295182?

I found an anomaly in the block size data: block 295182. This one seems to have a way higher payload. What happened there? Or is this there something wrong with my parsing? This file block does ...
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0 answers

Process for finding nonce

Assume we have a transaction in hex (tx_hex) and we want to find a nonce such that SHA-256(SHA-256(nonce|| tx_hex)) = new_transaction_id ('||' denotes concatenation) first bits consist of 32 zeros. ...
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0 answers

Parsing transaction hash from rawblock data

I got block raw data next url Can I find transaction hash in url used python?
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0 answers

Can I get all block header data like the SPV node?

It hasn't been long since I studied Blockchain. I only need header data, not all block data, for study purposes. As far as I know, the SPV node stores only the block's header information. Can i get ...
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0 answers

Issue generating private Key and segwit address with python

I used the following script to generate my private key and the corresponding segwit address. Then to test it, i sent funds to the address and imported the private key on blockchain wallet; RESULT: ...
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0 answers

How to create a Bitcoin Transaction With Protocoin

Please how do I create a btc transaction and broadcast it with protocoin library? I want to create a transaction that will relay to the node without validating inputs and outputs. Of course I know the ...
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0 answers

submitblock to btc-core fails to decode

I'm trying to create a little mining-script that connects over rpc to bitcoin core. I have problems following the documentation and all attempts to create a valid block (with dummy-nonce for testing) ...

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