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Unanswered Questions

86 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Nonstandard witness when building a transaction

i try to spend a P2WSH 2of2 multisig input in Python for learning purposes. When i check my assembled TX with testmempoolaccept i get "bad-witness-nonstandard". This is my function to ...
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0 answers

Why assertion error in Point addition?

I am doing my research on SECP256k1 but now i am facing assertion error sometimes. I can't seem to find where it comes from, so i once thought its because the resulting point is point at affinity. So ...
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0 answers

Error when trying to broadcast multi input tx (Programming Bitcoin by Jimmy Song)

I am reading Programming Bitcoin (chapter 7 exercise 5) and I have created a 2 inputs 1 output transaction on testnet which I have signed and it now verifies as true. When I go broadcast the ...
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How to set change address with python bitcoinlib

I am using python's bitcoinlib to try and set up payments where a client sends funds to a server and then sends requests signed with their key as proof that the request came from them. The server ...
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How to get transaction size as byte before send with Python's bit library?

I am using bit library to make a Bitcoin transaction. I can use methods like this: key.create_transaction([('1Archive1n2C579dMsAu3iC6tWzuQJz8dN', 190, 'jpy')]) or key.send([('...
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0 answers

Bitcoin Transaction Builder in Python

is there a python code that helps build raw bitcoin transactions (Legacy and Segwit)? I have seen javascript but not in python.
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I get a not a P2TR scriptPubKey error when trying to generate a bech32m taproot compliant P2TR address with python

I have the following script that is supposed to derive a taproot P2TR address: from bitcointx import set_custom_secp256k1_path set_custom_secp256k1_path('./bitcointx_secp256k1_here/libsecp256k1.2....
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0 answers

Cannot import python-bitcoinlib into a simple script

Im writing a simple python script to connect to a local bitcoin node and list transactions. I created a virtual environment with: virtualenv bitcoinenv And then activated: source bitcoinenv/bin/...
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How can I tweak a private key in bitcoin core

I'm wondering what the workflow is for building tapscripts. I can generate a new address, but how do I tweak it with the tap script? I've done the bitcoin taproot workshop a couple times now and ...
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Wrong hashes for blocks when parsing from blk

Hello I'm using a python script to actually retrieve information from a blk file and to read data. import datetime # Read block ! file = open("REDACTED\blocks\\blk00000.dat", 'rb') ...
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0 answers

Incorrectly counts the we have added a generator point to itself in a loop (SECP256K1, Python),

I have a script that converts a bitcoin private key into x and y coordinate with parameters of a Secp256k1 curve. Here's the script: a = 0 b = 7 #Order of the finite field prime = 2**256 - 2**32 - 977 ...
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0 answers

How to ignore ResourceWarnings during running tests?

I was trying to run python tests in order to test a PR. I used this command to run p2p tests: [amirreza@localhost bitcoin]$ ./test/functional/ test/functional/p2p* It produces lots of ...
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0 answers

BlockCypher API signature bitcoin transaction Error

I'm trying to make a bitcoin transaction using the BlockCypher API and I'm getting an error when I try to sign the transaction. This function creates an unsigned transaction: def buildTransaction(...
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bitcoin-etl: problems with installing

I am trying to install bitcoin-etl: to analyze bitcoin blockchain. I have Mac OS and python3, I run this in terminal: pip install bitcoin-etl Also tried ...
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0 answers

Connection refused when using bitcoinrpc on Linux

I am new to python-bitcoinrpc(also new to VM Linux actually) and I want to use the blockchain parser from alecalve to get ordered blocks. I used Windows to download the blockchain data into an ...

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