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Unanswered Questions

86 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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2 answers

What is the program in Python that print information about the current block?

What is the program in Python that print information about the current block the world try to mine (I mean Version, Previous Block, Merkle Root, Time, Bits) plus how many zeros we are looking for for ...
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0 answers

Bitcoin walletnotify doesn't pass the txid as %s

Thoroughly searched this online but haven't found an answer yet. Basically I'm using the below line in my conf file: walletnotify=C:\pathname\ %s It is supposed to run my python file ...
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0 answers

Why does this return an ssl error when using pybitcointools?

Really confused as to why this error persists. I have upgraded pip ( I believe) And have installed pybitcointools...
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0 answers

getblockchaininfo timeout using API only

Thanks in advance. If I call getblockchaininfo through bitcoin-cli it just works. It might take a while but it works all the time. If I call it from within a Python Script from bitcoin.rpc import ...
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2 answers

How to recover wallet by importing private key on testnet?

I want to test the functionality of wallet recovery via private key import on the testnet. Preferably thru an online service. I only want to test the functionality so that I can verify that it's ...
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1 answer

Pycoin: How to sign SegWit transaction via Pycoin?

My target is to make transaction with unspent transaction outputs(UTXOS). The information of UTXOs is as follow. [ { "pt_idx": 0, "subaccount": 37, "ga_asset_id": 1, "value": "...
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0 answers

Having trouble using GDAX API to place market buy order

Here is the documentation I'm following and to place a buy order, the syntax follows the following format: # Buy 0.01 BTC @ 100 USD'100.00', #USD size='0.01', #...
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0 answers

Running trezorctl / python-trezor on macOS Sierra

As I am not familiar with python I am currently having trouble getting trezorctl running. After installing pip and running pip install trezor from my admin account I get the following error message ...
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0 answers

Electrum - using a fixed fee regardless of transaction size

I am using Electrum 2.7.12, and I intend to use the python console to paytomany() while using a fixed fee. I have tried following directions from
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0 answers

Troubleshooting pybitcointools: signing transaction valid only for certain hash values

From my pybitcointools fork's issues: I'm having some weird issues with the signature sometimes it works and other times it doesn't. When I see '[ALL]' in scriptSig that's when I know it's ...
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0 answers

Is there any library to process scriptSig script in transaction, and other scripts?

I'm trying to parse hex representation of scriptSig, in normal transactions there are variable int, r&s, pubkey. But some are really weird, like those ones: ...
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0 answers

How to create a partial signed multisig transaction with pybitcointools (Electrum)

Looking to create a partial signed transaction with pybitcointools that is recognized and accepted by Electrum GUI client. I have tried to do so for a 2 out of 2 multisig transactions, but so far ...
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0 answers

How to get bitcoin address from the pubkey_hash using bitcoin-abe or something else?

I'm using: to import the blockchain into a mysql DB it is almost done after 5 days. So I started looking at the data and didn't see any addresses. I know the ...
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0 answers

Why are the results of BTC message signature implemented in Python different from those on electrum?

from bit import Key from bit.format import verify_sig import base64 from hashlib import sha256 # Use WIF format private key wif_private_key = 'Kxb19KFrrqrmT79bvG4tnKibVcgppavcvjkP1iBGGjnH787H39QG' ...
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0 answers

Python code to create a two-input transaction in test net

I made a transaction that can be spent by anyone and now I wanna spend it and bring it back to my address. The problem in it doesn't have enough bitcoin for transaction fee so I'm using another input ...

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