The transaction you are looking at is transaction 7dd8efe094e11c890eea7dc65e9bc7fb44903ed3e9b856e854d7d31e247ea1f2. This string is the hex encoded SHA256 hash of the transaction itself and serves as a unique identifier (each transaction has its unique hash).
The left column lists the input addresses from which the bitcoins where claimed, i.e., the "sending" addresses. An address is a base58 encoded string, comprising the network identifier (1 for Bitcoin Mainnet), the 20 byte hash of the public key and a 4 byte checksum. As you can see the address 1AqTMY7kmHZxBuLUR5wJjPFUvqGs23sesr shows up twice because we reference a specific output to be spent. That address has received some coins in two different transactions and now we merge them into this transaction. Next to each input is the value it contributed to the transaction and a link to the output being spent.
On the right side you have similar information for the outputs this transaction creates: a destination address and the amount of coins that are destined to that address.
So this transaction claims coins from 5 outputs (for a total of 109.32071408 BTC) on the left and redistributes the coins to the new outputs on the right (also totalling 109.32071408 BTC). Each output is associated with an address and a value.
Since the sum of inputs minus the sum of outputs is 0, there is no fee attached to this transaction.
Finally the $1453 is the dollar value of the outputs destined for the address page you were looking at at the time. This number is how many bitcoins were transferred to/from this address (1AqTMY7kmHZxBuLUR5wJjPFUvqGs23sesr) as part of this transaction.