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Related to running Bitcoin services on AWS.

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15 votes
2 answers

Can you mine more bitcoins on amazon aws than it would cost to operate the servers?

Read title. Creating a soft of self sustainability if you will. It might not be possible?
James's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

Is the new Google Compute Engine suitable (and affordable) for running a bitcoind instance?

Google just recently (at Google I/O 2012) announced their new cloud product, the Google Compute Engine. I don't really understand what it is exactly but I heard it's basically some sort of VPS service....
Steven Roose's user avatar
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3 votes
4 answers

Bitcoind server spontaneously shutting down

I'm running the latest version of the headless bitcoind server on an Ubuntu micro instance on AWS and every hour or so it spontaneously shuts down. It's hard to get any meaningful data from the debug ...
Alain Meier's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Where can I sell Gift Code for Bitcoins? [closed]

Where can I sell Gift Code for Bitcoins ? I want a list of services, not exchange sites/forums.
Abhishek M.'s user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Is it profitable to use Amazon EC2 to mine litecoins?

I saw that mining BTC with CPU is not profitable anymore, and that you'd lose money mining bitcoin. Is the same thing true of litecoin?
Nontenda's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Bitcoin private network on Amazon EC2

I am looking to set up a private network of Bitcoin nodes over multiple machines (e.g, on multiple VMs on Amazon EC2) for experimentation. I want to be able to control how the different nodes are ...
cepheus's user avatar
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1 answer

Is it safe to rent server to run a full node?

I want to rent dedicated server to run a full node to receive bitcoin for my website. Is this safe if I encrypt my wallets or should I own physical server?
obei's user avatar
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0 answers

Opinions on Siacoin's cloud hosting platform? You mine Siacoins by hosting files, and their current storage rates are 10x less than AWS [closed]

I was hoping to get some insight on how useful or competitive Siacoin's file hosting platform is compared to competitors. You mine Siacoins by hosting parts of files, and they claim for their cloud ...
daniel metlitski's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

What are realistic expectations for an ethereum miner on AWS? [closed]

I've configured the large (8x) GPU image on AWS at 2.60/hour. I ran it goes few hours after setup and mined nothing. This was my first foray into mining. Does this size instance give me a ...
Scott McKenzie's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Bitcoind becomes non-responsive over JSON-RPC, have to manually restart all the time

I run bitcoind on AWS on Ubuntu. The machine has 4Gb of memory and free shows some of it remains free. Enough disk space too. Yet, I have to manually restart bitcoind quite often, because sending ...
orion3's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Using BTCPay Server along with a web server in a single machine

For better context: Hello community! I have setup an aws ec2 instance and installed BTCPay server on it. I used ...
ParmuTownley's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

AWS ELB for Bitcoin node discovery?

I was able to locate the following discussion (and a few others that were marked duplicate of this one) on node discovery in Bitcoin: How do Bitcoin clients find each other? I guess, the primary ...
cogitoergosum's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Why am I not getting payments on my bitcoind on an amazon ec2 instance?

I have an amazon ec2 instance running a web server, MySQL server, and bitcoin daemon on ubuntu 14.04, and I ran ./bitcoind getnewaddress and the output was an address. I sent a few cents worth of ...
user16871's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

How much space needed to run Bitcoin daemon in amazon AMI?

How much space needed to run Bitcoin daemon in amazon AMI(ubuntu 12.04), I am currently having 20GB is that enough suppose i want to run multiple coin daemon say 6 coin daemons how much space(approx) ...
M.R's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Connection to Bitcoin Core Full Node in Amazon EC2 using bitcore-lib

I'm running a Bitcoin Core Node on AWS EC2 Instance and i want to connect to this node and make transactions using Nodejs App. I used the following guide to install Bitcoin Core Node on AWS: https://...
Salvador's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

How to connect multiple LND noeds on different machines to a single Bitcoin Core?

I have an AWS EC2 instance. The instance has Bitcoin Core (Testnet) node and a LND node. It is working fine. Now, I want to install another LND on a different EC2 instance, but connect it to the same ...
rajaS's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Bitcoind rpc AddLocal(ip:port) and Disover: IPv4 eth0: ip missing Amazon AWS CentOS

I have a server at DigitalOcean with Ubuntu installed and bitcoind with rpc which IS working. With my Amazon AWS CentOs server bitcoin-cli is working but not EasyBitcoin-PHP, it's returning 0: $...
Marc Alexander's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

How to install litecoin daemon in AMI

I have cent os in my amazon ec2 instance i try this post to install litecoin daemon after done compilation and run ./litecoind gives the following error litecoind: key.cpp:134: {anonymous}::CECKey::...
M.R's user avatar
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