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Unanswered Questions

2,540 questions with no answers
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HD Wallets - Generating P2SH-P2WSH Addresses from a ypub-type mpks in PHP?

I am writing a webapp in PHP that needs to generate Bitcoin addresses from their mpk. I have successfully done it for P2SH addresses (starting with a 1, with a xpub mpk) using the BitWasp php library,...
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0 answers

pyminer for getblocktemplate/segwit?

I'm trying to resurrect my script, based on pyminer, for use with Bitcoin 0.13.2 but the changes to the code over the last few years are overwhelming. I found out how to use ...
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0 answers

Why no IPv4 incoming connections when IPv6 available?

I'm having some problems getting any incoming connections in Bitcoin Core (v0.15.0.1). I have verified that the machine running the client can receive incoming connections on port 8333 over both IPv4 ...
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Is there a comprehensive list of registered BIP43 purposes?

Where can I find a comprehensive list of all proposed and/or used "purposes" as defined in BIP43? So far I could only find these: 44: BIP-0044: Multi-Account Hierarchy for Deterministic Wallets 45: ...
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0 answers

Electrum Seed Purpose for MultiSig Wallet

I'm curious as to what exactly is protected by the seed that Electrum generates for a multisig wallet. My knowledge of the protocol implementation is rather basic, so please correct me where I'm wrong ...
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0 answers

What is the best way to restore an old Multibit wallet to the new version (and also different OS)?

My files from Feb 2014 (on a dusty old usb) are as follows, all in a directory called MultiBit. directories: multibit.log (containing a log file) multibit-data, containing four backup directories ...
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0 answers

How to directly query leveldb database to get get a record by transaction hash or by sender's address?

I learned that the blocks and transactions are stored locally in .bitcoin/blocks/index and .bitcoin/chainstate databases, respectively. I want to make a direct query to those databases to measure the ...
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0 answers

Transferring wallet.dat from PC to Raspberry PI

I have the Stratis QT sofware running on my computer. I also have a working version of stratisd running on a raspberry pi, which I set up following this tutorial If I try to swap my wallet.dat on my ...
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0 answers

Installing QBitNinja locally

I am wondering if you found a solution on: How to run QBitNinja Server locally?
3 votes
0 answers

bitcoin-cli - "error: couldn't connect to server" [solved as per comment]

I have bitcoind 0.13.1 running on a Raspberry Pi. I can see it on the bitcoin network using but I can't connect to it locally with bitcoin-cli. My bitcoin.conf is: rpcuser=xxx ...
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0 answers

Electrum transaction still says unconfirmed parent

A transaction from Electrum is still showing unconfirmed parent even though the previous transaction in the chain has completed. Electrum has shown this for 24 hours now. I realize that my fee is ...
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0 answers

How to avoid rebroadcasting a transaction that is pending?

I'm using MultiBit Classic, and one of my transactions is stuck due to too low fees. The main problem is that I have my change amount blocked until this TX goes through. I understand that I should ...
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Electrum via command-line: can generic blockchain info be requested?

For example can I ask the Electrum client via it's API what the height or version of the latest block is? Looking through the docs all I currently see is wallet commands.
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0 answers

How can I fix an unconfirmed low-fee transaction sent from Multibit HD?

I have tried researching this issue for hours. I do not think the majority of usual solutions are possible with Multibit HD. The only solution I believe I do not fully understand (and therefore it may ...
3 votes
0 answers

What does the Payment Hub learn about its users in TumbleBit?

When a user participates in transactions on a TumbleBit payment hub, what does the payment hub learn about the user's transactions?

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