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Unanswered Questions

83 questions with no answers
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BitcoinJ seems to be calculating balance incorrectly

My application is using bitcoinj-0.11.3. I am using Wallet.getBalance(balanceType) to read wallet balance. For AVAILABLE I get 8.94106037 This is supposed to include all confirmed transactions. For ...
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bitcoinj, unknown confidence level

I've got a bitcoin address A with its relative encrypted key K stored in a persistence storage. I am launching bitcoinj through the WalletAppKit class and calling awaitRunning to wait for the ...
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0 answers

wireshark packet analysis missing checksum in version msg

I'm trying to send a raw bitcoin transaction through a raw socket connection in python. To debug I'm using wireshark to sniff the packets. Wireshark figures out that the packet is for Bitcoin and ...
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0 answers

BitcoinJ without PeerNetwork

I am writing a system which generates wallets on a per user basis. It must be capable to receive and send payments. So I have to keep the private keys encrypted on the system. Generating the ...
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0 answers

C# - JSON-RPC - How to build the json object before serialization (createrawtransaction)

I am trying to build a C# application working on JSON-RPC with Bitcoin-qt (server mode). I am using Bitsharp, though I don't think this should matter at all. First off the InvokeMethod: ...
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0 answers

Bitcoin wallet generation with P2TR

I am a newbie in bitcoin development and I just started it with bitcoinj library for Java. I can get the code snippet to generate bitcoin wallet and legacy address. Timestamp createdAt = Timestamp....
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Is there anyway to produce the transaction's hash created by sender?

It seems that when someone wants to send Bitcoins, he creates a transaction and the transaction_id will be transaction's hash. after block confirmation this id will be change and we can find out this ...
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Getting error "non-mandatory-script-verify-flag (Witness program hash mismatch)" when trying to send raw signed transaction

I'm trying to send a fairly simple segwit transaction with multiple input and outputs using bitcoinlib, here's how the simplified code looks like: from bitcoinlib.transactions import Output, Key, ...
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0 answers

Cant send raw transaction from golang with OP_EQUALVERIFY failed

I'm using btcsuite (especially this example) package to listen and send unspent inputs for specific address. Tx hash: 690059e82dcee13678c45f2c583207d357af254624f5037b4d4d12b39caf74ca From address: ...
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0 answers

Generate P2SH bitcoin address from WIF in BitcoinJ Java

I'm trying to create P2SH-Segwit bitcoin address from the WIF private key. I'm using the BitcoinJ library in Java. See the following code. String base58PrivateKeyString = "...
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0 answers

Need help with (Script failed an OP_EQUALVERIFY operation)

This is a repost of a question which i posted directly on the repository of bitcoinjs-lib, which you can see here I'm getting the following error when trying to push transactions: Err: ...
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0 answers

Automatically forward bitcoins from address A to Address C At 0 confirmations?

I run a bitcoin full node,at that node i have an Address A. Assuming that Address A receive an Amount from Address B.(i can get UTXO information from API) How can I automaticlly resend ...
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0 answers

How to Post Transaction in Bitcoin Network?

I need help here as it has been almost a week since I've been trying to figure this out. Fyi, I can get my Python Script running using "Mainnet" for Bitcoin Transaction that able to execute ...
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Bad witness error in P2SH-P2WSH

I've managed to build a P2SH 2-of-3 multisig contract that works, ie I can create addresses, send coins to them, and spend the outputs. Now I'd like to transition that solution to a P2SH-P2WSH, but I'...
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How to communicate with Bitcoin core 0.17 using bitcoinj for hd wallet creation?

Hi am building one hobby project and i want to perform some operations in my own bitcoin core 0.17 by using bitcoinj lib. so is there any way by which we can use bitcoin-core 0.17,bitcoinj for hd ...

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