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Unanswered Questions

197 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
4 votes
0 answers

Creating a P2SH-P2WPKH using Bitcoin Functional Test Framework

I'm using the Bitcoin Functional Test framework to understand how SegWit works by analyzing and building a P2SH-P2WPKH transaction. When I run my code the transaction gets created, but when I inspect ...
4 votes
1 answer

What are the malleability threat vectors when passing PSBTs to other actors?

If I am passing a PSBT (Partially Signed Bitcoin Transaction) between multiple people, and I pass on my signature for my UTXOs for given inputs, can someone take advantage of malleability and cheat me ...
4 votes
1 answer

Generate addresses from Trezor's xPub using Python

I am trying to generate BIP32 HD addresses from my Trezors xPub key. I keep getting errors with most of the libs our there. What am I missing? pywallet: from pywallet import wallet xpub = '...
4 votes
0 answers

To sign raw transaction with Segwit Address in the TestNet

I am using Bitcoin core 0.14.1 testnet. I created a Segwit address. transfer some coins to this address. Now I want to spend it. I created a raw transaction using console command i.e. ...
4 votes
0 answers

Bitcoinj: How to fix error "You should use Context.propagate() or a ContextPropagatingThreadFactory"

I'm using bitcoinj from a Scala application... and when I start it, I always get the following errors: [error] o.b.c.Context - Performing thread fixup: you are accessing bitcoinj via a thread that ...
3 votes
1 answer

Partial private key recovery

I had the pleasure of setting up a Bitcoin wallet using the Blue Wallet app and diligently noted down the 52 characters of my private key on a piece of paper for backup purposes. Upon revisiting the ...
3 votes
0 answers

How can inputs be retrieved efficiently when parsing the bitcoin blockchain?

I downloaded the Bitcoin blockchain. I have a full node and I would like to do some parsing. I use RPC to send commands to Bitcoin Core from my Python program. When I get a block it works fine but the ...
3 votes
0 answers

How to sign bitcoin raw transactions with Python offline

I have a raw bitcoin transaction created using createrawtransaction unsigned_tx = "...
3 votes
0 answers

HD Wallets - Generating P2SH-P2WSH Addresses from a ypub-type mpks in PHP?

I am writing a webapp in PHP that needs to generate Bitcoin addresses from their mpk. I have successfully done it for P2SH addresses (starting with a 1, with a xpub mpk) using the BitWasp php library,...
3 votes
0 answers

pyminer for getblocktemplate/segwit?

I'm trying to resurrect my script, based on pyminer, for use with Bitcoin 0.13.2 but the changes to the code over the last few years are overwhelming. I found out how to use ...
3 votes
0 answers

Can I quickly check the cofactor of secp256k1 is 1

I was wondering if there was a quick way to check that the group underlying the elliptic curve secp256k1 was indeed cyclic with the usual point G a generator. I am given the prime number underlying ...
3 votes
0 answers

Does a bitcoinj SPV node forward transactions for itself?

The bitcoinj library offers a rather convenient WalletAppKit class, which I'd like to accept payments from customers. In order to facilitate the payments I'd offer the customers to send the ...
3 votes
0 answers

Bitcoin-qt database for BitcoinJ downloadBlockChain()

I am using bitcoinJ to develop a bitcoin based payment module for my project. I have the complete block chain downloaded/in sync with the network on the bitcoin-qt client. Is there a way I can use ...
3 votes
2 answers

How to calculate P2WSH signatures with OP_CODESEPARATOR?

I read the bip143, but didn't understand how to calculate the scriptCode of p2wsh. bip143 told us: A new transaction digest algorithm is defined, but only applicable to sigops in version 0 witness ...
3 votes
2 answers

How to sign a transaction using BitcoinJ

I am having problem signing the transaction using BitcoinJ library without the Wallet instance, I only have the Transaction class instance and the ECKey in order to sign the transaction. Is there a ...

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