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Unanswered Questions

391 questions with no answers
4 votes
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Creating a P2SH-P2WPKH using Bitcoin Functional Test Framework

I'm using the Bitcoin Functional Test framework to understand how SegWit works by analyzing and building a P2SH-P2WPKH transaction. When I run my code the transaction gets created, but when I inspect ...
4 votes
0 answers

Is it safe to skip the initial block verification at startup?

The longest step in bitcoin core initialization is "Verifying last 6 blocks at level 3". The number of blocks checked at startup went down from 288 in 2014 to 6 now. Therefore, in order to speedup ...
4 votes
0 answers

libwallycore error installing LND on Ubuntu 18.04

I'm setting up an LND node on Ubuntu 18.04. I've installed python3, and cloned the repo. I ran configure, and get this error on the make command: checking byteswap.h, usability... no checking ...
4 votes
0 answers

How does schnorr signature construct multisig functionality?

How does the multiparty schnorr signature work and enable multisig functionality in Bitcoin? What are its limitations? Can we construct any m of n signature? Is there anyway to hide the signers among ...
3 votes
0 answers

bitcoind still running after 'bitcoin-cli stop'

I'm running Debian 11, all updates installed. 12gb RAM, massive internal SSD for storage. $ /usr/local/bin/bitcoin-25.0/bin/bitcoin-cli stop has worked well shutting down bitcoind on my computer until ...
3 votes
0 answers

What is the difference between singlesig and multisig xpubs?

When exporting the xpub from my SeedSigner, I'm asked whether to export the "singlesig xpub" or "multisig xpub." I understand the use cases for each but from a technical standpoint,...
3 votes
0 answers

bitcoind performance issues

I am struggling with poor performance of Bitcoin Core full node, which is used as a hot wallet. There are similar questions already but without an answer or solution Bitcoind Performance for ...
3 votes
0 answers

listdescriptors true fails after importing a 2-of-3 multisig descriptor (prv, pub, pub)

By deafult, in a newly created descriptor wallet that is not watch-only and not empty, listdescriptors true works and gives output. However, here is a scenario that breaks it: Get a new address in ...
3 votes
0 answers

bitcoin TransactionBuilder is not a constructor

I'm trying to send bitcoin with the bitcoinjs-lib library and I get the following error: TypeError: bitcoin.TransactionBuilder is not a constructor at sendmoney (/Users/....../bitcoin.js:53:18) at ...
3 votes
0 answers

How can inputs be retrieved efficiently when parsing the bitcoin blockchain?

I downloaded the Bitcoin blockchain. I have a full node and I would like to do some parsing. I use RPC to send commands to Bitcoin Core from my Python program. When I get a block it works fine but the ...
3 votes
0 answers

Derivation path for brute forcing "25th word" on a multisig wallet

So I added a 25th word to my seed, forgot it, and am (after 6 months of on and off guessing) relegated to brute force (3rdIteration/btcrecover). Succinct question: what derivation path should I ...
3 votes
0 answers

Raspiblitz slow sync performance

I'm syncing my raspberry pi 4 model B, 4GB and after 4 days I'm less than 50% synced. It seems as though there is something wrong with bitcoind as there are some weird symptoms going on. The pi is ...
3 votes
0 answers

Is it possible to use Bitcoin-core for multisig? Can it handle change addresses?

I have tried to import three xpub in a watch-only wallet as keypool with importmulti and a multisig output descriptor and to fill the first address with some BTCs. When I try to spend the newly ...
3 votes
0 answers

How to segregate wallet from bitcoin core | Run multiple wallets in different servers on one centralized bitcoin node

I am running bitcoin full node in a centralized server. I have many web applications running in various places. I want to connect this web applications with centralized full bitcoin node. How to ...
3 votes
0 answers

How to sign bitcoin raw transactions with Python offline

I have a raw bitcoin transaction created using createrawtransaction unsigned_tx = "...

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