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Questions tagged [change]

Splitting a transaction and sending some of the coins back to the sender. Necessary for some currencies due to the design of the protocol.

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2 answers

Transaction change calculation

I'm confused about how exactly I should compute a change for transactions. Say, for a given address I have 4 unspent outputs containing 2 BTC each and I want to send 5 BTC to other address. Here's ...
src091's user avatar
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How can I define the change address of a transaction using createrawtransaction?

This question is almost the opposite of How to find the change / sender address given a txid? If I am making a transaction using createrawtransaction how can I define the change (sender) address?
Felipe's user avatar
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4 answers

How to find the change / sender address given a txid?

Suppose I'm making a service like SatoshiDice and when I receive a transaction I want to give some money back. Where can I find the sender address? If I run this, e.g.: bitcoin-cli gettransaction ...
Felipe's user avatar
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2 answers

Could the creation of bitcoin change create irreversible bitcoin "dust"?

Bitcoin wallets send some change back to you if you have only large chunks of bitcoins in your wallet and try to send a small amount to someone else.Over time, could larger chunks of bitcoins ...
adroitwhiz's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Spending own generated unconfirmed change in the v.0.9.0 era

Reading about spending own generated unconfirmed change some time ago I stumbled upon this reddit thread that convinced me that doing so is a really bad idea and could prove catastrophic for any ...
Doug Peters's user avatar
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"always spend all balance of paper wallets" - Then why am I using my paper-wallet for multiple transactions without any problem?

I'am very confused. I just read on the most popular services for paper wallets that "You should always spend all the funds on a paper wallet, not part of it or you will lose the rest" . It links back ...
Advanced's user avatar
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1 answer

Why doesn't a change address just point back to the address that sent the transaction? [duplicate]

Why over complicate things with additional private and public keys that are hidden from the user and make it possible for backed up wallets to go out of date? Why can't the change address just be the ...
evermore's user avatar
2 votes
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Are there an infinity of public addresses for a wallet?

If I understand correctly a private 256-bit integer determines the curvature of an EC curve corresponding to your wallet and that 256-bit integer can be consider the "private key". Now how many "...
bitcoinNeverSleeps's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Change addresses and key backup on Bitcoin Wallet for Android

I've had the Bitcoin Wallet for Android for some time. When I installed it I was assigned some public address/key. I have made various transactions in and out of the wallet but as fas as I can tell ...
Richard H's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

Where does the change go in when using a paper wallet?

When using a paper wallet as watch only via block and you send partial amounts out from it. Where does the change go? I've read you can lose all your coins if the client doesn't handle ...
Patoshi パトシ's user avatar
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Can the change address be in a different account after using sendfrom <fromaccount>?

I made a sendfrom call specifying the fromaccount parameter. The resulting transaction created a change address which was not assigned to the account I specified. The address was not assigned to any ...
Emre K.'s user avatar
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When using a paper wallet and doing partial spends via Where does the change go?

I'm pretty shocked that I found out now about the change thing as I read everywhere about paper wallets being secure, but no where does it state that when you spend partial amounts from your paper ...
Patoshi パトシ's user avatar
2 votes
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I noticed that sending a transaction actually means sending your entire wallet amount to the person and you get change back?

I just noticed that when you send an amount to someone. You actually send them the entire wallet amount and then it gets sent back as change. Is this true and why was it implemented in this way? Also ...
Patoshi パトシ's user avatar
2 votes
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How can I stop Electrum re-using change addresses?

I had three addresses containing BTC in my main Electrum wallet. I then performed more than three sends, to addresses not in my wallet. The first three sends used main wallet addresses to send BTC ...
occulus's user avatar
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Will I get my bitcoins have I been scammed?

Okay, I'm wondering what's going on here. I recently synced my wallet after ordering some bitcoins, but I never received them. The guy who sent them to me, sent me the blockchain address. So, I don't ...
Snow123's user avatar
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2 answers

Most secure way of sending bitcoins from bitcoin-qt offline wallet

I have an offline wallet created by Bitcoin-QT. I want to send some of the bitcoins in this wallet to another address. The most secure way I can think of is this: Boot from a Linux Live CD Install ...
tymm's user avatar
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Sent bitcoins to my unencrypted wallet and encrypted the wallet before file synced, is there any way i can get them back?

Thanks in advance for any light you can shed on my problem.. I think I sent bitcoins from an online wallet to my offline wallet BitcoinQT(0.81) in august. The transaction has been confirmed, but not ...
user9054's user avatar
0 votes
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What is this extra address on [duplicate]

I sent bitcoins for the first time to my friend. He has an address 1JkqP4qMvVpQApqyH4m9J4LBdqfFacMKSf I chose to send them through my wallet on Bitcoin-QT, but I was interested to check blockchain....
Ci3's user avatar
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1 answer

Where can i see my BitCoin addresses? [duplicate]

How can i see all my BitCoin addresses? Background If i send a payment to someone (e.g. 0.35 BTC), the BitCoin protocol is unable to send just 0.35 BTC to someone. For example, if i own 1 BTC, and ...
Ian Boyd's user avatar
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3 answers

An online wallets that sends transaction change back to the original address

Is there any wallet client that conforms to the following: The wallet client is accessed through a website (for portability). The wallet client does not store any private keys (I know there is some ...
Simon Streicher's user avatar
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distinguish change address from real origin<->destination

a lot of bitcoin clients now send change address balances back to the origin address, by default, to make it easier for people to keep track of their balances. with this in mind, those transactions ...
CQM's user avatar
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get the private key for change addresses

Is it possible to get the private keys for change addresses that get generated? I was wondering if there is a way to auto export that, do the clients make the change addresses or does another ...
CQM's user avatar
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4 answers

Can a Bitcoin transaction have the same address for input and output?

Can a Bitcoin transaction have the same address for input and output, i.e. spend some of the coins that are linked to an address and send the rest back to that same address? Is there some reason why ...
Murch's user avatar
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How does calculate the "Estimated Transaction Value?"

Consider the following transaction: Each of the output addresses has never before been used, and there is ...
Yaacov's user avatar
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2 answers

How to read the transaction pages on

I read the original Bitcoin paper and think I understand it but I'm having a hard time relating it to the transaction pages on For example, sometimes there are 2 outputs and neither ...
RentFree's user avatar
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Are change addresses visible from the GUI in the Bitcoin-QT client?

I've seen this question pop up on reddit multiple times, and I don't know the answer. However, I do know that in my own wallet, several unlabelled addresses have appeared over time without me ...
Highly Irregular's user avatar
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wallet.dat backup and 100 pregenerated keys [duplicate]

Reading about the "change" addresses and doing "wallet.dat" backups, I keep reading that -by default- bitcoin-qt generates 100 keys and use them when you need a new address. My question is this: what ...
jcea's user avatar
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How to turn off "change" address in bitcoind?

I would like to keep backup of my wallet on paper, but that's impossible or at least impractical when the bitcoind keeps creating new addresses for "change". I know it is possible in theory to do it ...
Zouppen's user avatar
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17 votes
3 answers

How to get all addresses - including the "change" addresses - from bitcoind?

I want to get all my addresses - including the auto-generated "change" addresses - from a running bitcoind somehow. I haven't been able to do it in a simple way. "getaddressesbyaccount" and all the ...
Karel Bílek's user avatar
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Why are there two transaction outputs when sending to one address?

I did a small transaction some days ago: Some info: 1JFWE8THcAQQRYx99c43DXSGyoPL9Zs62D is my ...
Macarse's user avatar
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1 answer

How do I view the "change" addresses in my wallet? listreceivedbyaddress 0 true doesn't work

I just sent a test account 5 BTC. I see in the output 1.38BTC was "change" and needs to be sent back to my wallet. Where can I find the contents of 1F39Qj4E3HnbnyYgan5CZa37spGfHro8eK, and was ...
makerofthings7's user avatar
5 votes
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Does the satoshi client always send the change of a transaction to a newly generated address?

Experimentally, this seems to be the case, but is it always like this or depends on some details? Also, does it generate a new address each time this is done, or first searches the wallet if there is ...
Tibet's user avatar
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When did Litecoin become "GPU-friendly"?

I've heard recently here that Litecoin became more GPU-friendly. When did this happen, and what were the changes to the protocol to accommodate that change. Also, is there any reason for the change ...
ThePiachu's user avatar
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How does change work in a bitcoin transaction?

It seems that when you send a bitcoin transaction, all the coins in the sending address are spent in that transaction, divided into the amount that you intended to send, and "change", which goes back ...
Thilo's user avatar
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