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Questions tagged [watch-only]

refers to observing the balance of addresses only by address not by public key.

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3 votes
2 answers

List imported watch-only adresses

I can import addresses without private key just to track incoming transactions as it is provided in RPC calls : But how can i see my ...
Kerem atam's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

how to create Watching Address from available xPub key

Watch-only wallet can only receive payments but not spend the available coins. I am using bitcoinj (in Java). Can anyone please tell me that How to create watching addresses from available xPub key? ...
Cleo Indigo's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

I have watched addresses in my do i use them?

How do I use the watch only addresses that are in my wallet? I can't find the private keys. Is their any way to use them or should I just delete the wallet with the watch addresses in them?
Jimmie wells's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Delete watch-only imported address bitcoin-core

Is it possible to delete imported watch-only address? I know it's not possible using RPC commands. Any suggestions?
Tailer's user avatar
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2 answers

Watch only wallet

I'm having this message: "Your wallet does not have private key for this address. You cannot spend coins received unless you have the private key elsewhere." How can I move my coins from watch only ...
MrMima's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

How to make ImportMulti function like ImportAddress for watch-only addresses placed into Accounts?

My question is: I want to use ImportMulti to import a long list of watch-only addresses. However, unlike ImportAddress, I don't see any way to place these addresses into specific "accounts". Is this ...
dimsumcode's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Imported bitcoin address [duplicate]

A person I met online asked me to pay small miner fee to get big funds in bitcoin. After sending him the fee, he injected huge funds into my bitcoin wallet, which fell into a bitcoin address imported ...
Enoch's user avatar
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1 answer

Importing private key for watched address in bitcoind, rescan necessary?

If I have a watch only address in my wallet and then I import the private key corresponding to it, will I need to do a rescan or will it automatically update my available balance with any UTXOs for ...
Daniel McNally's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Import testnet address in bcoin

I´m trying to import a watch-only address to my bcoin node using cli (testnet). My config looks as follows: [....] # # Options # network: testnet # # Node # prefix: ~/.bcoin-testnet db: leveldb ...
Michael's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

bcoin watch only address

Can anyone tell me how to set up a watch-only address using bcoin? while using the command: bcoin wallet create myNewWallet this will always be a "watchOnly": false wallet by default. Is there any ...
Michael's user avatar
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1 answer

How do I transfer from a watch-only wallet to my other wallets?

I have a watch-only wallet with BTC in there. How do I transfer to another wallet? I don't seem to have a key. Is that possible? I can find the transactions on the blockchain, but can't seem to do any ...
EVIE's user avatar
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0 answers

Unable to remove bitcoins from watch-only address [closed]

I'm new to bitcoin and my situation is this: I installed Bitcoin Classic wallet, then sent bitcoins to it from Coinbase before the entire blockchain was finished syncing. The transaction timed out and ...
lobake's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Does Bitcoin Core support watch-only wallets?

Is it possible to use Bitcoin Core in a watch-only mode? I want to be able to generate new addresses in an online instance of Bitcoin Core, but keep the private keys separate on another local Bitcoin ...
Otoma's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Receive at Watching Only Wallet

I am a little foggy about the Watching Wallet copy in Armory. I have received BTC in my Watching only wallet. Is there anything that I need to do now to get those to the Cold Storage Wallet or is the ...
FunnyGirl's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Notifications to watch only addresses in bitcoind

I found a similar question, but rather outdated in my opinion: How to get instant notification of any Bitcoin transaction involving a specific public address as recipient without knowing the wallet or ...
Stefan's user avatar
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2 answers

the bitcoin wallet spendable amount is not updating

the spendable amount is not updating to the watch only amount. this is now going on 3 weeks or longer. I am using bitcoin ver 0.12.1 any ideas??
henry1834's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

How can I watch all addresses under HD wallet?

Is there any way to watch all addresses under HD wallet? I'd like to notify users when any of addresses in a HD wallet receive BTC. It looks like bitcoind (walletnotify) doesn't support HD wallet. ...
Satoshi Nakanishi's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

getnewaddress and watch-only addresses (importaddress)

I am aware it is possible to use "importaddress" to import bitcoin addresses without their associated private keys. For an online shop that uses "getnewaddress" in order to present a customer with an ...
satbit's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

watch-only wallet with bitcoin-cli

i'm trying to see all tx hashes and the balance for an address i don't own: $ bitcoin-cli importaddress 1M43pksKTGpBd8J8XzjStjgnX5vie1kpYA $ # wait 5 minutes while bitcoind presumably scans all txs $ ...
mulllhausen's user avatar
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2 answers

Move money/address from watch only wallet

I am completely new to bitcoin. I recently received bitcoins from a poker site, using a receiving address that I created in Bitcoin Core. When I realized that synchronization takes forever, I ...
lordhuebi's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Using Armory Watch-Only wallet in Electrum?

Is it possible to import a Watch-Only wallet that was made in Armory into Electrum? I like to use Armory for cold storage but like Electrum more for hot wallets because it's lightweight and you never ...
gkrizek's user avatar
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1 answer

watch-only addresses doesn't work properly in bitcoind v0.10.0

I imported a watch-only address to bitcoind by using below command: bitcoin-cli importaddress <myaddress> "testacc" true According to release notes it should support some rpc calls for this ...
paddlesteamer's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Difference between RPC calls addmultisigaddress and importaddress

I am trying to import a 2-of-3 multisignature address into my bitcoind wallet, watch-only. I have the public keys, but not the private keys. Two potential bitcoind JSON-RPC calls that seem to fit are: ...
JohnDvorak's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

How can I watch an address on Windows and Android?

I want to be informed of transactions of my Bitcoin address on the Windows and the Android app. Can I use the same Bitcoin address on both? If yes, how can I backup the address on Windows and restore ...
Kourtoumeyn's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

getreceivedbyaddress without knowing the private key

Not considering any external services, is there any way (opensource implementation) that would keep up with the blockchain and expose an API with the same functionality as the original ...
knaperek's user avatar
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1 answer

Adding watch-only addresses to through an API?

I want to set up a service to monitor the activity of various watch-only addresses. I know offers an option to do URL callback notifications when a payment is made to an address in ...
ThePiachu's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

Add a Watch-only Wallet in Bitcoind

When running bitcoind under OSX/Linux, how can we add a watch-only wallet using the JSON RPC? Do we need the public key or is the bitcoin address sufficient?
Nyxynyx's user avatar
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1 answer

Moving armory watching-only .wallet file

I have set up an offline wallet on computer "A". I set up a corresponding watching-only wallet on computer "B". I have signed and broadcast several transactions. But now I wish to safely move the ...
Morningtime Digital Media's user avatar
8 votes
6 answers

Monitor paper wallet balance without importing private key?

I generated a paper wallet offline and running from fresh OS, and I'm not going to ever type that private key into a computer until it's time to spend the coins. But I will send coins to this address ...
pinhead's user avatar
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