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3 votes

Are there actually merchant services for "outgoing" processing?

I was the OP of that last question that you referenced. Tracking the 'receives' is actually very easy. There are plenty of free APIs (e.g. BlockExplorer, BitPay/Insight) that'll let you check the ...
Festus Martingale's user avatar
1 vote

Is it possible to generate a pool of lightning transaction invoices in advance?

No; unlike a Bitcoin address, Lightning invoices have a built-in timestamp and an expiration time. They also have information, such as the amount of Bitcoin (and sometimes routing information), that ...
ieatpizza's user avatar
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BTCPayServer vs. Bitpay or other for accepting bitcoin payments in online store

It's my highly subjective opinion, but if you're not a government organization, using a service provider like Bitpay is a terrible idea. Bitpay was known to create anti-privacy features, perform KYC, ...
Tony Sanak's user avatar
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Are there any POS (point of sales) machines that accept BTC?

Yes. General Bytes, the manufacturer of ATMs and POS in the Czhech Republic has several in action in Prague. I hope that Lightning POS will be the new standard ...
Jonas Svensson's user avatar
1 vote

How can PayPal merchants accept bitcoin?

Braintree is owned by PayPal so I believe you would have to integrate with them:
Marc Alexander's user avatar
1 vote

Receive payments in BTC or USD, but get paid in Bitcoin?

NO . . . you cannot sell Bitcoins to a customer to pay yourself Bitcoins. They - the customer need to buy Bitcoins to have ready to pay for the website item and you need to send a bitcoin price and ...
wilburunion's user avatar

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