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40 votes

51% attack - apparently very easy? refering to CZ's "rollback btc chain" - How to make sure such corruptible scenario can never happen so easily?

Disclaimer: I believe this question may be primarily opinion-based and not very appropriate for this site, but there are a number of technical misunderstandings that can be clarified along with it, so ...
Pieter Wuille's user avatar
26 votes

How do you derive the private key from two signatures that share the same k value?

ECDSA signatures are pairs (r,s) where r=(kG).x mod n, and s = (m + rx)/k mod n, where x is the secret key, k is the random nonce, and m is the message. If you have two s values s1 and s2 for the same ...
Pieter Wuille's user avatar
26 votes

Is a bitcoin address collision possible if generating 90 million addresses every 4 hours?

Because of the Birthday paradox, you only need 280 addresses (despite there existing 2160 different address combinations) before a collision becomes probable. Thankfully, that is still an enormous ...
Pieter Wuille's user avatar
23 votes

How can be hacked?

How is this possible? What happened to allow for this? The same way that any website can be hacked. isn't hosted in some special way that makes it unhackable, it's a website, like every ...
Ava Chow's user avatar
  • 72.1k
22 votes

Is there something about Bitcoin that prevents us from implementing the same privacy protocols of Monero and Zcash?

I'm curious as to why Bitcoin has not perused a similar path to privacy. I want to start by commenting on the phrasing of this question. Bitcoin is defined by the consensus of its users, and isn't a ...
Pieter Wuille's user avatar
20 votes

Bitcoin automatically diverted to bech32 address

I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news: It looks like your funds are gone and the security of your computer is compromised. A quick google suggests that is one of the electrum phishing destination ...
G. Maxwell's user avatar
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17 votes

What is the origin of insecure 64-bit nonces in signatures in the Bitcoin chain?

Based on the time-frame and my impression of the capabilities of the various groups developing wallet software during that period my initial guess was that the Bitpay copay software might be the ...
G. Maxwell's user avatar
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17 votes

How can government "seize" bitcoins?

It is not necessarily true that no amount of force or authority can cause or prevent any transfer of Bitcoin. The protocol does not allow arbitrary seizures or blocking, but there are still human ...
Ava Chow's user avatar
  • 72.1k
15 votes

Schnorr's batch validation

You're right that the elliptic curve multiplication is indeed the most expensive operation in the validation algorithm. And as both single signature validation and batch validation require two EC ...
Pieter Wuille's user avatar
14 votes

How do I protect my paper wallet from use by a different human who has used a random generator?

"Improbable" is an understatement. There are 2256 possible keys. In the entire universe, there are estimated to be "only" 2100 atoms. So the odds of someone else ending up with the exact same ...
abelenky's user avatar
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14 votes

Why is no security lost by using 32-byte public keys in Schnorr signatures instead of 33?

From the (very recently updated) bip-schnorr draft: Implicit Y coordinates are not a reduction in security when expressed as the number of elliptic curve operations an attacker is expected to perform ...
Pieter Wuille's user avatar
14 votes

Is or the one to trust?

It looks like is the one run by the people who run the Github bitcoin/bitcoin project (the actual core developers) since it is the one listed on their Github page: https://...
ieatpizza's user avatar
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13 votes

Miner modifies unconfirmed transactions and put it into the block

Is is possible that a miner modified a unconfirmed transaction (like changing the output of transaction to the miner himself) and put it into the local block, and after 10 mins the miner luckily ...
Ava Chow's user avatar
  • 72.1k
13 votes

Why is increasing block size in the Bitcoin network considered to decrease security?

Generally speaking, a larger block leads to more computational resources (tx validation, bandwidth, storage, memory) required for each person who wishes to validate newly confirmed transactions. ...
James C.'s user avatar
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13 votes

Long term BTC investing

Recommendations for how or where to buy Bitcoin are generally off-topic here, but long-term storage is a fair question. First, understand what owning Bitcoin really boils down to: having knowledge ...
chytrik's user avatar
  • 18.4k
12 votes

Are lightweight LN wallets vulnerable to transaction withholding?

There is no substitute in terms of security and trust for running a full node. There are different "lightweight client" concepts. Some of them are... BIP37 (bloom filter): [minus] With current used ...
Jonas Schnelli's user avatar
12 votes

Does assumevalid lower the security of Bitcoin?

which, as I understand it, makes some data (until 2017?) real without verification. You understand incorrectly. Firstly, the assumevalid blocks is updated at every major release, so it is at most a ...
Ava Chow's user avatar
  • 72.1k
12 votes

How can government "seize" bitcoins?

A lot of bitcoins reside in a trading platforms or online wallets. These bitcoins are (in the particular bitcoin sense) controlled by the platform. The government (provided the platform/wallet is in a ...
fraxinus's user avatar
  • 301
11 votes

Why does the TXID have 256 bits when Bitcoin's address security is 160-bit?

Security levels First of all, the relation between security level and the number of bits involved is non-trivial, and depends on the sort of attack we're talking about. For what follows, there are ...
Pieter Wuille's user avatar
11 votes

How can be hacked?

There are no websites that represent bitcoin, as bitcoin is decentralised. is owned by a person and is a site that gives information about bitcoin, as many other sites do, and there is no ...
stackaccount's user avatar
10 votes

How to make totally secure Bitcoin transactions?

If your machine connects to the internet at all, it should be considered potentially compromised. Consider what happens to it if you visit GMail, which happens to deliver an ad with compromised ...
Hannah Vernon's user avatar
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10 votes

Why is the length of the transport messages on the lightning network encrypted?

TCP and other stream based protocols do not have a 1-to-1 correlation of application level messages and IP packets. If you call send() 3 times, it might result in sending a single IP packet over the ...
Mark H's user avatar
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10 votes

51% attack - apparently very easy? refering to CZ's "rollback btc chain" - How to make sure such corruptible scenario can never happen so easily?

(adding some color) Some discussion I saw suggested that people promoting this believed they only needed to achieve >50% hashpower, which caused them to overestimate the feasibility. Reorging with ...
G. Maxwell's user avatar
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10 votes

How to transfer bitcoin? No third party, no exchange, no hard wallet, no mobile wallet

If you want to avoid all third parties, you need to run a node yourself. Download bitcoin-core and let it sync might take a day or two depending on your machine. You can import your paper wallet by ...
m1xolyd1an's user avatar
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10 votes

How can be hacked?

I'm immediately removing every single instance of "" in my code, in particular the scripts that check for new updates of Bitcoin Core and AUTO DOWNLOAD/INSTALL them after ...
Claris's user avatar
  • 15.5k
10 votes

How much entropy is lost alphabetising your mnemonics?

TL;DR: you get around a factor 500 million attack speedup for 12 words, bringing it not quite in the realm of feasible attacks, but it's getting close. For 24 words, the speedup is around a factor ...
Pieter Wuille's user avatar
9 votes

What are checkpoints?

Update on this as of time of writing, just to clarify more specifically upon the other answer: dependence on checkpoints in the security model has been significantly reduced, they are only used in one ...
meshcollider's user avatar
  • 11.9k
9 votes

How to make totally secure Bitcoin transactions?

The primary concern with Bitcoin security is where your private keys are stored. In your scenario the private keys are stored on a Linux laptop which is not unreasonable if you follow good internet ...
sipsorcery's user avatar
9 votes

Why was an insecure merkle tree implementation chosen?

As with many things in Bitcoin, it is likely simply because it worked well enough, and such an attack was not immediately obvious. Several of the choices made in the early days of Bitcoin don't have ...
Raghav Sood's user avatar
  • 17.3k
9 votes

Should I be worried that now suddenly only provides an "unsigned" Bitcoin Core installer?

Beginning with Taproot? Hmm... Something about this feels scary to me. Your mistrust is misguided. So, they are no longer making "signed" installers? The releases are still signed with ...
Claris's user avatar
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