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9 votes

Will BTC script be Turing complete in future?

Turing completeness includes the capability to run programs that might not terminate or that might terminate after a very long time. This would cause the blockchain to stall, hence it is a must to ...
MCCCS's user avatar
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9 votes

Is bitcoin script necessary?

was it necessary to have another language for these operations? isn't it possible to write the whole runtime in one language? To be clear: the goal of the scripting language isn't for defining the ...
Pieter Wuille's user avatar
8 votes

How does using a Turing-complete programming language compromise the security of the network?

It is much easier to formally verify the behavior space of Bitcoin script vs. Solidity. For example, the DAO project suffered from reentrancy vulnerabilities, given that one could not predict the ...
James C.'s user avatar
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4 votes

Is bitcoin script necessary?

It is theoretically possible that Satoshi could have taken the entire C++ language (Bitcoin Core is written in C++) and then severely restricted what C++ functionality was available for Bitcoin ...
Michael Folkson's user avatar
3 votes

Is bitcoin script necessary?

Consider a script that says While (true) { // some pointless but slow calculation } in order to discover if the transaction containing it is valid, every node on the network has to run this ...
RedGrittyBrick's user avatar
3 votes

Does the alternative stack make Script Turing complete?

No, the alt-stack doesn't make bitcoin script a Turing-complete language. While script has two stacks, in order to simulate a two-stack pushdown automata (which is Turing complete), one has to be ...
Paul Clarke's user avatar
2 votes

Does the alternative stack make Script Turing complete?

You may be interested in a post I wrote. I wrote a Turing Machine (by utilizing the two stacks) and made a test transaction. Basically if we assume that our program will halt, then it requires only a ...
veqtrus's user avatar
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2 votes

The Bitcoin scripting system is purposefully not Turing-complete - why?

Question is, at which level would Turing-completeness be useful? If a single transaction was Turing-complete, then it would have unknowable verification time and could be used as a DoS vector on nodes ...
bca-0353f40e's user avatar
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1 vote

Will BTC script be Turing complete in future?

Bitcoin itself will never itself offer any kind of Smart Contract functionality, like the Turing complete EVM. Rootstock (RSK) however, is smart contracts platform (turing complete programming) that ...
HubertBlu's user avatar
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