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Unanswered Questions

2,539 questions with no answers
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Is it safe to skip the initial block verification at startup?

The longest step in bitcoin core initialization is "Verifying last 6 blocks at level 3". The number of blocks checked at startup went down from 288 in 2014 to 6 now. Therefore, in order to speedup ...
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libwallycore error installing LND on Ubuntu 18.04

I'm setting up an LND node on Ubuntu 18.04. I've installed python3, and cloned the repo. I ran configure, and get this error on the make command: checking byteswap.h, usability... no checking ...
4 votes
0 answers

To sign raw transaction with Segwit Address in the TestNet

I am using Bitcoin core 0.14.1 testnet. I created a Segwit address. transfer some coins to this address. Now I want to spend it. I created a raw transaction using console command i.e. ...
4 votes
0 answers

How to Use TransactionBuilder in NBitcoin

I have used this code. It returns a success, but does not send bitcoin. var txRepo = new NoSqlTransactionRepository(); // Let’s me introduce you, Alice, Bob, Satoshi, and Nico with their ...
4 votes
0 answers

How does schnorr signature construct multisig functionality?

How does the multiparty schnorr signature work and enable multisig functionality in Bitcoin? What are its limitations? Can we construct any m of n signature? Is there anyway to hide the signers among ...
4 votes
0 answers

Bitcoinj: How to fix error "You should use Context.propagate() or a ContextPropagatingThreadFactory"

I'm using bitcoinj from a Scala application... and when I start it, I always get the following errors: [error] o.b.c.Context - Performing thread fixup: you are accessing bitcoinj via a thread that ...
4 votes
0 answers

bitcoin:uri for sending payments to multiple addresses

Lets say I want a donate bitcoin button/QR code to send to multiple recipients in different ratios. As in send 50% to wallet 1. Send 25% to wallet 2. Send 25% to wallet 3. Is there any way to do ...
4 votes
0 answers

How to explore transaction chain via Original Bitcoin API as blockexplorer does it

Is there any possibility to explore transaction chain via Original Bitcoin API ( as the blockexplorer does it. If not, why?
3 votes
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In Utreexo, how is it guaranteed that the validator has the same accumulator state as the proof-generator?

In Utreexo a validator node (fully validating Utreexo light node), when validating transactions, uses the proofs supplied by the proof-generator (a Utreexo-aware full node, bridge node). As far as I ...
3 votes
0 answers

Verifying Bitcoin Core - Developer Key Fingerprint Confusion

I downloaded the latest version of Core on my Mac and I'm stuck on step 7 of the verification instructions on the Bitcoin Core website: 7. Bitcoin releases are signed by a number of individuals, each ...
3 votes
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Utility of longterm fee estimation

I've been reviewing the effectiveness of long-term fee estimation in Bitcoin Core and recently conducted an analysis, which indicates that it might not work as expected.
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What is exactly Randstorm vulnerability?

I've read the article from Unciphered about it, multiple times, and still fail to understand it It basically says that wallets generated by BitcoinJs front end library from 2011 to 2015 are vulnerable ...
3 votes
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How to force close a channel at the original state, for a good cause

A few months ago I created a payment channel from my desktop node, on LND, to my mobile node, on Blixt. Then I tested a few payments between the nodes, and the final balance on the mobile phone is now ...
3 votes
0 answers

How to broadcast transactions in bitcoin regtest mode?

I build three nodes named A,B,C based on bitcoin-regtest image of docker. And these three nodes are in the same network which means they can communicate with each other. In node A, I use bitcoin-cli -...
3 votes
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What is the advantage of using truncated HASH256 over CRC32?

Some of the checksums in Bitcoin are the first 4 bytes of the HASH256 of the data. HASH256 is just double SHA256, so SHA256(SHA256(data)). What is the advantage of that over using a dedicated checksum ...

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