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Unanswered Questions

160 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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How to use self hosted Lightning node?

Looking for some guidance... I followed the Raspibolt guide, and completed setting up my own Bitcoin Node, Electrum Personal Server, and Lightning Node. I have the Electrum Mobile Wallet, and I am ...
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Is anyone running public electrum server with websockets?

It seems websockets should be supported by major implementations (checked fulcrum and electrum). has not a single websocket enabled electrum server ...
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Unknown coin Bitcoin and network regtest combination

I know that this repo of kyuupichan is not supporting Bitcoin anymore So I cloned this repo of spesmilo instead However when I run the electrumx_server, I get the following error: electrumx.lib.coins....
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ElectrumX Crashes on Reading blocks from Bitcoind regtest node

Can anyone help me to debug this issue? What I Am Trying to Do I am attempting to run a bitcoind regtest node and connect it to electrumx_server The Problem When I run electrumx_server, it connects to ...
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(Permission) Issue running electrum server as a service in Raspberry Pi 5

Disclaimer: Having some linux permissions issues, but it is related to setting up a Bitcoin Node, and an Electrum Server; if there's a better place to post this, please lmk!. I've been following the ...
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0 answers

How can I import the private keys of a MultiBit Classic wallet into Electrum?

I had an old Multibit Classic program on my computer. I was able to open the private key using OpenSSL. I downloaded Electrum to my computer and created a new wallet importing the private key. However,...
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xpub master pub key view only wallet shows different balance than seed generated wallet with same pub key? also different addresses

okay. Here is what I've done: generated a new electrum wallet "WEL" on 3/3/24. In btcpay server imported a view only wallet using xpub key from WEL. (apparently didn't manually verify ...
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Lost 2fa, no seed

three years ago I created a 2FA wallet with Google Authenticator (when there was no option to back up codes). Unfortunately, I lost my mobile device and I don’t have the seed either. I already know ...
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Unable to send BTC using Electrum - OP_EQUALVERIFY Error

I'm using Electrum to send BTC to my Trust Wallet, in this case I'm getting the following error: The server returned an error transmitting the transaction. Consider connecting to a different server, ...
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Why are the results of BTC message signature implemented in Python different from those on electrum?

from bit import Key from bit.format import verify_sig import base64 from hashlib import sha256 # Use WIF format private key wif_private_key = 'Kxb19KFrrqrmT79bvG4tnKibVcgppavcvjkP1iBGGjnH787H39QG' ...
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0 answers

where did my previous block of receiving addresses in my electrum wallet go?

So I have an airgapped (using tails os on an old laptop) electrum (cold storage) wallet that I previously added additional receiving addresses by increasing the gap limit: wallet.change_gap_limit(110)....
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0 answers

CORS error in Blockstream Esplora docker container even with `CORS_ALLOW=*`

I am running Esplora via this command docker run --name esplora-container -p 50001:50001 -p 8094:80 --volume $PWD/data_bitcoin_regtest:/data -e CORS_ALLOW=* --rm -i -t blockstream/esplora bash -c &...
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1 answer

How can I set the derivation path for a multisig across BlueWallet, Electrum and Sparrow wallet?

I just exported a PSBT from BlueWallet and now I'm trying to sign it with the final signature in a multisig setup in Electrum or Sparrow wallet however with both, I am unable to do so: From my ...
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1 answer

How to turn a just watch electrum wallet to HD

Hello everyone I have an electrum wallet and it's in just watch mode and I'd like to change it to an HD wallet in electrum. How to go about it if it's possible?
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BTC to LND Node Transfer Not Showing yet on node's wallet after almost two weeks?

I realize that this may or may not be a question to ask of the Umbrel developers but I have to sadly report to you all that they rarely answer any posts on their forum. Please help us with this ...

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