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Questions tagged [exchanges]

Exchanges are sites which allow for the conversion of Bitcoins to various world currencies as well as alternate cryptocurrencies.

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0 votes
1 answer

Why is there a need for different exchanges?

In laymen's terms, why is there a need for different bitcoin exchanges? Is it currently the wild west and eventually these exchanges will consolidate. Or can exchanges actually provide different value ...
HipsterGlasses's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Bitcoin trading: security

I have seen different trading websites on Bitcoin and a question came to my mind: Security Why do they require so much identity verification? If I remember correctly MtGox (despite what later ...
Mark Thompson's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Does Cryptsy reuses market IDs?

Cryptsy has a lot of markets. Each market has its own ID. Now markets have an ID in the range [1,220]. Sometimes old markets are deleted. Are the IDs of that markets reused or not? I have the same ...
Victor Mezrin's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Calculation of arbitrage profit

I have made calculations based on 3 exchange buy and sell orders. (Cryptsy, C-cex and Bter) and have taken DOGE/BTC market into account. Both cryptsy and C-cex have the same calculations to get the ...
Jsd's user avatar
  • 336
0 votes
1 answer

Can't understand arbitrage profit calculation

Found the formula in the following link. I can't understand with my knowledge. Can anybody explain me with an example? profit = ExchangeA_sell * (1 - ExchangeA_fee) - ExchangeB_buy * (1 + ...
Jsd's user avatar
  • 336
1 vote
0 answers

Which exchange is better for average users? [closed]

How do bitstamp, btc-e, bitfinex, lakebtc, btcchina, compare on trading fee, deposit way, and withdrawal speed? Which is the most comfortable for us?
Dâniel Fraga's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Are There Abbreviations/Acronyms/Codes for Cryptocurrency Exchanges?

I wonder if there are any abbreviations/acronyms/codes for exchanges like Cryptsy, Kraken, and Ccex. Similar to abbreviations as seen for coins in Bitcoin = BTC and Litecoin = LTC.
Sap's user avatar
  • 265
5 votes
1 answer

BitLaunder's mixer vs "major exchanges" mixer

BitLaunder (seemingly created by syadasti) writes: Secure Launder renders your bitcoins completely untraceable, even to the most persistent forensic investigator. You deposit bitcoins into your ...
Pacerier's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Is there an on the fly service to exchange physical currency for BTC for payment processing? [closed]

I want, as a merchant, to receive money from my customers in the form of bitcoins, to avoid the 2~4% fees. But many of my customers don't have BitCoins. I was wondering if there is a service that ...
Tiago Veloso's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

What does it mean to say that Huobi "self-match" trades?

A reddit post claims that Huobi is faking trade volume by "self-matching" trades. What does it mean to say that Huobi "self-match" trades?
Pacerier's user avatar
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11 votes
2 answers

How can hackers cash out stolen bitcoin?

I've read about a lot of Bitcoin Heists and Thefts: from hackers that stole bitcoin from Exchange (Due to their poor security measures) or from Bitcoin users, to scam websites and so forth. Some of ...
Paper's user avatar
  • 195
3 votes
3 answers

Bitcoin Exchanges and Anonymity

I'm new to Bitcoin and I have a few questions about Bitcoin Exchange and how the transactions work. To be more specific, the question is related about the level of anonymity of these transactions. 1) ...
Paper's user avatar
  • 195
8 votes
6 answers

API for converting currency such as Euro/USD to BTC

Basically what I'm looking for is a reliable API that allows for the conversion of an imputed currency amount such as USD/Euro amount and a conversion would be made that would convert the amount to ...
Green's user avatar
  • 91
0 votes
1 answer

How accept trade works on creating order [duplicate]

I want to build a rails application to create buy or sell offer for coins. If buy offer is accepted by seller, How the coins exchanged between the buyer and seller. How can it be implemented? What is ...
Jsd's user avatar
  • 336
0 votes
1 answer

How are BTC-e orders filled?

When there is some price overlap, i.e an ask and a higher priced bid, who will get the difference? In other words, will the seller get an "extra", or the buyer a "discount"? I'm interested in BTC-e ...
Juan's user avatar
  • 83
1 vote
1 answer

What exchanges trade with Unicoin right now? [closed]

I absolutely LOVED the new Stack-Exchange-specific cryptocoin, "Unicoin", mineable by humans and unicorn-themed. As well as the diverse options to pay for it (gold, silver, BTC, LTC, DOGE, reputation ...
Joe Pineda's user avatar
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9 votes
6 answers

What would a new exchange need to be better than the rest?

If a new crypto v crypto exchange were to be built and launched. What would tempt you to use it rather than what you currently use? Or what improvements would you like to see from the way things work ...
BeTheChange's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

How does allocate trades for many orders with same price

How does allocate trades for many orders with same price ? Orders can come from one or many accounts, my question applies to both situations, but it's obviously more interesting how they ...
CoinsKillTheFed's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Would it be any cheaper to transfer US dollars to Canadian using Bitcoin?

I'm a Canadian working for an American company. I get paid in American which gets deposited into an American account. To get the money to Canada, I write myself cheques from my American account and ...
Chris L.'s user avatar
  • 143
1 vote
0 answers

Decentralised escrow / distributed private key generation

Issue Hi As many others i am curious in addressing distributed escrow problem (not just for bitcoin). As it stands now there are no decentralised escrows. All escrow services are based on trust in ...
K'rstn's user avatar
  • 11
3 votes
2 answers

What software do exchanges use to manage wallets?

Do they write wrappers around bitcoind or is there a better solution out there? Some exchanges handle dozens of digital currencies, does this mean they are running bitcoind, litecoind, dogecoind, etc ...
Stephen Melvin's user avatar
3 votes
4 answers

Is instant profitable arbitrage impossible?

Case #1: Trade coins after an arbitrage opportunity appears. Buy Coin B with Coin A at a low price. Move Coin B to the buyer's market. Sell Coin B for Coin A at a higher price. However, transaction ...
JustAnotherStackOverflowUser's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How does Multi-Signature Pay 2 Script Hash (P2SH) enable stronger security?

Coinfloor says it will pay out withdrawals using Multi-Signature Pay 2 Script Hash. What is Multi-Signature Pay 2 Script Hash? I read What is "Script Hash" address exactly and how does it ...
oks's user avatar
  • 257
0 votes
1 answer

Bitcoin Exchange Api [duplicate]

I need an bitcoin exchange api implemented in my website. Basically there will be one way transactions money->bitcoin and it needs to support major credit cards (visa,mastercard) as well as paypal ...
Rotari Radu's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

BTC denominated vs fiat denominated stock exchange?

What could be done more easily (or just be doable) in a BTC-denominated stock exchange that is difficult (or plain impossible) in a fiat-denominated one? i.e. what features of a BTC denominated ...
oks's user avatar
  • 257
8 votes
4 answers

How can a bitcoin exchange prove its solvency while maintaining privacy?

What methods can an exchange website use to prove that it actually has all its users' bitcoins? These are the requirements: User privacy is a must. No one should be able to tell how many bitcoins an ...
Pacerier's user avatar
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-2 votes
3 answers

I would like to exchange my mining earning to real cash in my bank account, then should I mine Bitcoin or Litecoin?

As a total Noob I have a CPU and GPU intensive machine and want to mine some coin to earn. In addition, I try to get the best trade of between the earning from the mining and exchanging it to a real ...
erogol's user avatar
  • 107
2 votes
4 answers

Why are there different prices for bitcoins between exchanges? [duplicate]

Ive been looking around at the prices for bitcoins at various different exchanges and they all seem to have slightly (or wildly) different prices, why? Thanks.
Jake Roberts's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

What other currencies have same malleability vulnerability as Bitcoin? [closed]

Malleability of Bitcoin protocol has contributed to major losses and represents uncomfortable risk to Bitcoin investors in addition to possibility of 51% attack that depends on promise of biggest ...
alpav's user avatar
  • 131
0 votes
1 answer

Trickle Exchange System?

This idea came to me while I was trying to trade Frozencoins. For a miner like me that has to wait ages to get coins, its nearly impossible to trade small amounts of Frozencoins. People usually ask ...
Primordial's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

Confusion over 'change' when transferring funds from bitstamp to paper wallet

I was about to transfer my funds from bitstamp -> paper wallet for the first time, but wanted to try it out first with $0.01 etc. I'm worried that since you have to specify where 'change' goes with ...
user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

Why do exchanges have a buy/sell column in their trade history?

Why is there a type column in the trade history on exchanges like and If all the trades are between two users on the exchange why is a buy/sell type needed? And if there is one ...
user1229252's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

How would you store a bitcoin wallet for a small bitcoin exchange?

How would you store a bitcoin wallet with the security of the wallet being a priority for a small bitcoin exchange? Offline wallets are the safest though how would a client be able to withdraw their ...
tommo's user avatar
  • 133
2 votes
1 answer

Why API of bitcoin exchanges use HMAC over HTTPS/SSL?

Pretty all exchanges use private and public key. We sign API request with our private key using HMAC algorithm. What's the point of doing so when there is already HTTPS connection? HTTPS provides both ...
ripazha's user avatar
  • 486
5 votes
1 answer

When transferring money between a bank and bitcoin exchanges, might the bank suspend my account?

I'm based in the UK and am worried that my UK bank might have a problem with me transferring money to or from a bitcoin exchange, for example, Mt Gox. I know that Paypal will suspend an account if it'...
etppp's user avatar
  • 51
15 votes
6 answers

How would a decentralised exchange work?

The idea of decentralised Bitcoin-fiat exchanges has been floating around. (For example Mastercoin, Ethereum and Bitshares claim to be able to do it.) How would such a decentralised exchange work?
Randomblue's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Is it any open source Bitcoin exchange available [duplicate]

Is it any open source Bitcoin exchange code is available
BTCXINDIA's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

Who proposed the XBT ticker for Bitcoin and why is it used over the more logical XBC ticker?

Some standard requires tickers for currencies to start with an X. So, the usual abbreviation of Bitcoin, BTC, cannot be used in contexts where this standard is applied. Usually, the unofficial ticker/...
Steven Roose's user avatar
  • 11.9k
7 votes
2 answers

Where can I find an overview of Bitcoin exchange APIs?

Where can I find information on a large number of "exchange" or "trading platform" APIs showing which currencies (digital and fiat) they convert between?
user41634's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Does btc-e require verification for coin to USD conversion

I know that btc-e requires verification to withdrawal USD, but do they require verification to convert to USD and let sit until I want to trade it for other coins? Again.. NO usd withrawal. only BTC-...
Luke3butler's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Order books, matching exact price or closest price? [duplicate]

After reading this How do buy and sell orders work?. This says that closest price, so if someone is selling at 999, and someone offers a bid of 1000, that the 999 will get sold since its the two ...
user12393's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Unclear Trade Volumes on Bitcoin Charts

Many 'stats/charts' sites are reporting trade volumes, without ever specifying which trade volume they are referring to: Number of Sent Bitcoins / 24h (Transaction Volume) Number of Bitcoins sent to ...
Newb's user avatar
  • 111
1 vote
0 answers

calculate fees for shorting Bitcoin on exchanges

I have a calculator for calculating trade fees for Bitcoin on exchanges ( However I get asked a lot to add "shorting". Basically, for a "long" position. I do this: BUY 1 BTC @ $...
chovy's user avatar
  • 131
1 vote
2 answers

Can I buy a Bitcoin from one exchange and sell it on another?

Is it possible to buy a Bitcoin at one exchange, say BTC-e, and then sell it on another, like LocalBitcoins? If it is possible, how would this be done? More specifically, how could you transfer a ...
John Martin's user avatar
9 votes
2 answers

Transferring Bitcoins from Wallet to Wallet

Say I buy a Bitcoin from a specific market, like BTC-e, and it goes into my wallet. Is it possible for me to transfer that Bitcoin from its current wallet (BTC-e) into a wallet that I have on another ...
John Martin's user avatar
0 votes
0 answers

The effects of a 'buy wall' on the market? [duplicate]

I'm learning a lot about coin markets. Now i'm wondering What are the effects of a buy wall? or a sell wall? Do they affect the market in any way? Thanks!
Miguel Stevens's user avatar
4 votes
4 answers

How can one gauge the reliability, customer service, and transparency of bitcoin exchanges?

There are several exchanges for Bitcoin with a few highly respected ones like Mt.Gox, Bitstamp, bter, bit-e etc. I understand the reason why they require verification of users by supplying their bank ...
user's user avatar
  • 155
-2 votes
2 answers

Bitcoin exchange setup [duplicate]

To whom may concern, I am new to the scene of Bitcoin and have no prior computer/ technical background. I am planning to setup a personal exchange for trading rather than relying on exchanges and ...
user12437's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Instantaneous exchange/conversion of bitcoin into cash

My question is : how can some exchanges instantaneously convert bitcoins into cash, in light of the fact that it takes 10 minutes to "validate" a bitcoin transaction? A bitcoin transaction ...
user12404's user avatar
10 votes
1 answer

How do buy and sell orders work?

How does buying and selling bitcoins work once the order is placed? I just know that the order-matching engine is used for this purpose, but more information regarding this will be helpful.
sarah's user avatar
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