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Unanswered Questions

118 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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How can I create a taproot address that time-locks the bitcoin sent to it until a specified blockheight?

I'd like to create a taproot address that timelocks any funds sent to it until a specified blockheight in the future. How can I do this using Bitcoin Core's QT Console? I am also curious to know about ...
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Witness program hash mismatch stack size is zero

I'm trying to sign a raw transaction with private key on bitcoin core on regtest. When I'm trying to sign the transaction I'm receiving this error: Witness program hash mismatch. When I debugged my ...
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Bitcoin wallet generation with P2TR

I am a newbie in bitcoin development and I just started it with bitcoinj library for Java. I can get the code snippet to generate bitcoin wallet and legacy address. Timestamp createdAt = Timestamp....
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1 answer

Is there any easy tool to write raw transactions with a memo?

The idea is to build a complex transaction that have many outputs and some of them are MEMOs (using OP_RETURN) and spend one (or many) UTXOs. A GUI tool would be awesome, but a CLI tool would also ...
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0 answers

Is there anyway to produce the transaction's hash created by sender?

It seems that when someone wants to send Bitcoins, he creates a transaction and the transaction_id will be transaction's hash. after block confirmation this id will be change and we can find out this ...
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0 answers

Getting error "non-mandatory-script-verify-flag (Witness program hash mismatch)" when trying to send raw signed transaction

I'm trying to send a fairly simple segwit transaction with multiple input and outputs using bitcoinlib, here's how the simplified code looks like: from bitcoinlib.transactions import Output, Key, ...
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1 answer

Error validating transaction: Transaction orphaned, missing reference (TESTNET)

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0 answers

signing input for spend funds locked by this script

Please explain how to sign input for raw transaction with privet key corresponding to 1st or 2nd public key in this script "asm": "OP_IF 1694275749 OP_CHECKLOCKTIMEVERIFY OP_DROP ...
2 votes
0 answers

No inv messages from inbound nodes

I'm writing a tx relay-only node that can accept inbound connections and make outbound ones. Just for research. What I'm seeing that on inbound nodes the initial handshake completes and the connection ...
-1 votes
1 answer

How to Sign Bitcoin Transaction from two or more children wallet in HD wallet

How can I handle a situation where I have bitcoin on two or more different wallets with a single phrase, how can I sign the two transactions to a friend. Example: I have 2BTC in a wallet address that ...
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0 answers

Import BitcoinCore's blockchain into bitcoinj

I'm a newbie in bitcoin. I've started programming some software using bitcoinj to make some transactions in bitcoin's testnet. But there is a huge problem I faced with. I cannot normally download the ...
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1 answer

Create and spend P2WSH that locks coins with OP_CHECKLOCKTIMEVERIFY

I'm attempting to create a P2SWH address with a script that locks the coins for some time. And then I want to spend those coins from that address. I've read a lot, some of the most relevant: BIP173 ...
1 vote
1 answer

Using the Bitcoin Crate to Sign a Segwit Transaction

Using the Bitcoin crate, I'm trying to create a transaction programmatically in Rust that spends an output associated with a P2WPKH address. This is the relevant code snippet: fn sign_transaction<...
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0 answers

Cant send raw transaction from golang with OP_EQUALVERIFY failed

I'm using btcsuite (especially this example) package to listen and send unspent inputs for specific address. Tx hash: 690059e82dcee13678c45f2c583207d357af254624f5037b4d4d12b39caf74ca From address: ...
1 vote
0 answers

Send transaction with 2 inputs and 2 outputs using Blockcypher

I'm using a node.js client of Blockcypher in order to broadcast a Bitcoin transaction. My code: const originWalletBalance = getBalance(originAddress) const fee = calculateFee() const txBody = { ...

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