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Questions tagged [altcoin-development]

Questions about alternative cryptocurrencies are off topic unless they are applicable to Bitcoin.

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Framework for handling transactions/wallets in multiple altcoins generically [closed]

I'm wondering the framework Poloniex, C-CEX and other bigger exchanges use to handle accounts and transactions for such a high number of cryptocurrencies. What could I use to generically be able to ...
brauliobo's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Is Bitcoin network an Asynchronous network or a synchronous network?

Conventional BFT protocols work on weak timing assumptions, and if a faulty primary does not respond or forward a client's request a view change message is initiated by the backup nodes. Therefore, if ...
Imran Makhdoom's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

What this param in chainparams.cpp do?

consensus.nRuleChangeActivationThreshold = 6; // 75% of 6 consensus.nMinerConfirmationWindow = 8; // nPowTargetTimespan / nPowTargetSpacing * 4 For what this rule exit ? How to calculate this rule ...
mraksoll's user avatar
0 votes
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how make own gitian-sigs end detached sigs?

How make own gitian-sigs end detached-sigs. I cannot find any useful info. Where i try see it's always start with "you already have .assert and .sig . but how they create ?
mraksoll's user avatar
2 votes
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Question about retarget system bitcoin, add hardcodet block to exist blockchain

the standard values if (nActualTimespan < params.nPowTargetTimespan/4) nActualTimespan = params.nPowTargetTimespan/4; if (nActualTimespan > params.nPowTargetTimespan*4) ...
mraksoll's user avatar
-4 votes
1 answer

what this parameters do end what i need put on them in blockchain ver2

/** What block version to use for new blocks (pre versionbits) */ static const int32_t VERSIONBITS_LAST_OLD_BLOCK_VERSION = 4; /** What bits to set in version for versionbits blocks */ static const ...
tseries's user avatar
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Segmentation fault when loading checkpoints - altcoin dev

I was trying to clone the bitcoin's source code and run a completely new blockchain. I was successful in changing the initial parameters such as pszTimestamp nTime nNounce Generated a genesis block ...
Kannan Ravindran's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

what do these values in chainparams.cpp do?

what do these values in chainparams.cpp do? consensus.nMajorityEnforceBlockUpgrade = 2; consensus.nMajorityRejectBlockOutdated = 3; consensus.nMajorityWindow = 3; and how do I find them in the ...
tseries's user avatar
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What value of nMinimumChainWork and powLimit should I choose for my altcoin?

// The best chain should have at least this much work. consensus.nMinimumChainWork = uint256S("0x000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000005c13f99f6d0b1a908"); how to calculate this ...
tseries's user avatar
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How i can delete last block from blockchain? altcoin

How can I delete the last block from blockchain to be ready for hardfork. What I mean is, in blockchain last block is with error's. I want to delete those blocks, for the new blockchain is disabled ...
tseries's user avatar
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how to convert blockchain to new version?

I have altcoin bassed on old Litecoin sources, end i try to convert it for latest available sources. How i can do this ? What need for this ? I try simple download it on old wallet, then run new. But ...
tseries's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

how to generate SECRET_KEY prefix? [closed]

base58Prefixes[SECRET_KEY] = std::vector<unsigned char>(1,176); I need prefix L , but i cannot find how do this, please do not post link to prefix list bitcoin , it's only for address ...
tseries's user avatar
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New params of chainparams.cpp. What put on them and how generate?

What do these parameters do and what to insert there uint256S("00000fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff"); //what this do ? end what put to here consensus....
tseries's user avatar
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Time stamping of Transactions

In Bitcoin Blockchain, every block has a time stamp. My question is, Is there any time stamp on an individual transaction, once it is propagated on the network, and once it was included in the Block?
Imran Makhdoom's user avatar
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Sending encryped messages using INSaNe. Messages not sending [closed]

I forked INSaNe from github, changed genesis hashes, mined, and sended some coins between two localhost wallets. When i tried to send message from first address to ...
 IT Tech 's user avatar
1 vote
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New altcoin. Cpuminer gives me "booo"

I made a new altcoin based on "INSaNe" I changed genesis hashes using this code: if (true && (genesis.GetHash() != hashGenesisBlock)) { ...
 IT Tech 's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

Mining new litecoin based altcoin. Internal Server Error 500

I apologise if I put this question in wrong place. I created new altcoin based on litecoin source code. All looks ok, wallet and wallet-qt are compiled and running. However when I trying to mine ...
Wojtek B's user avatar
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Possible to build a coin that will never change it's code?

I want to know if it's possible to create a coin that will never go through any kind of forks. Where there would be some kind of consequence for the majority of miners trying to change what it is. Is ...
Alanay's user avatar
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Where can I learn how to create my own blockchain with a new transaction scheme?

I am trying to create my own blockchain with my own transactions but there is not much information on how this works in detail. Basically I want to create a transaction with my own structure using ...
Ignacio Martin Gallardo Urbini's user avatar
2 votes
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How security is managed in Cryptocurrencies with no mining possibility

I know pretty well how the bitcoin and ethereum blockchain works respectively, but I'm seeing a lot of new cryptocurrencies with no mining system. As far I'm aware the blockchain needs miners to give ...
AlexAcc's user avatar
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Tezos vs Decred

What are the main differences between Decred and Tezos ? Both integrate a governance mechanism so they don't seem very different to me.
Malick's user avatar
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What precisely are vSeeds "seednodes", how to they work, how to create one for a new network?

In this question we have a superficial explanation of vSeeds (seednodes), from the Bitcoin wiki, we have: DNS Addresses Upon startup, if peer node discovery is needed, the client then issues DNS ...
smatthewenglish's user avatar
2 votes
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creating a fork of bitcoin, how to modify core to create my own network

I'd like to make a fork of Bitcoin, since it's the new trend ;) The first thing I did was to create a docker image of ubuntu with all the dependencies, then I wanted to run the core software- but the ...
smatthewenglish's user avatar
1 vote
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how to make the first block of 200 btc?

I would want that when mining a specific block was given an award that I pointed out Want to make the first block 200BTC and all the other 50BTC how to implement it It is possible still such variant ...
menfix's user avatar
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How do you set the price of a new Coin at the beginning?

When starting a new coin, how do you know what to set the initial value of the coin? Can you set it at something like 1.00 if not listed on a exchange? The people of this coin will only be trading ...
Positive Carry's user avatar
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How to update code of my existing altcoin? [closed]

I have an altcoin with 10 miners. I want to update some changes in the code. with new rules of blockreward. I have created new code also. But how to make changes effect in the current blockchain, ...
Dronacharya's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

How to setup seed node?

I have compiled and build my own coin using cryptonote fork. After that i have printed genesis block. Then I pasted this genesis block hash and rebuild the binaries. But, my question is:- What to do ...
Dronacharya's user avatar
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How would Bitcoin look like if the primary design goal was to have LN-like payments?

Today (assuming SW), we have Bitcoin, which allows us to build LN using a set of smart constructs such as HTLCs. But this is a result of a work of people trying to figure out how to take what Bitcoin ...
Wapac's user avatar
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17 votes
2 answers

What's a Sybil attack?

Can anyone please provide a clear definition for what a Sybil attack is? I was asked how the cryptocurrency I am developing would prevent Sybil attacks.
JoelHovell's user avatar
3 votes
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Fastest device to perform single-threaded SHA256 hashing

I am in the process of designing a cryptographic Proof of Storage (PoS) that relies on single threaded computation of SHA256 hashes. In practice, my algorithm is equivalent to computing for some ...
Matteo Monti's user avatar
-2 votes
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Creating custom altcoin

Is there any guides on how to: 1) Technically create my own cryptocurrency; 2) Publish it on the world crypto-exchanges; 3) Increase price per coin; Is this company legit:
Alexander Kim's user avatar
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How to prevent ASIC mining for my new altcoin?

I want to create an altcoin that is a clone of Bitcoin. I want the mining to be ASIC resistant. Are there any steps which I should include in my altcoin's mining algorithm to prevent ASIC mining? Do I ...
Fire Bird's user avatar
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Mining new private alt coin derived from litecoin

I have created an new private altcoin from litecoin(build on linux ubuntu) and it is working correctly. Now i want install any miner application (like cgminer) with CPU mining(for test). I have ...
Mufeed K Kasim's user avatar
1 vote
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What are some open source blockchain projects?

I was trying to build a blockchain to host my cryptocurrency.For that I was searching for some open source blockchain projects and I came across Best blockchain open source projects which mentioned ...
Prashant Prabhakar Singh's user avatar
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How do you make a coin resistant to soft forking?

Soft forks are probably worse than hard forks, since it is hard for a client to reject a soft fork (indeed, that is the point of soft forks). The only way to do so is either to gain 51% of the hash ...
Christopher King's user avatar
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Is it possible for an individual to start their own blockchain working with Bitcoin Core?

Is it possible for an individual to create their own blockchain from Bitcoin Core? I think the value of BTC is currently controlled by miners in China and I want to create a blockchain with either a ...
smoumou's user avatar
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4 answers

What is needed to get listed on a currency exchange website?

I have no desire to become a licensed MSB/Money Service Business. That said, what considerations should I have when creating a new virtual currency to be listed on Coinbase, Bitstamp, etc?
makerofthings7's user avatar
12 votes
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Bitcoin without mining - what needs to be implemented

I have read this related question - Bitcoin without mining and I am trying to understand the very basics of Bitcoin network and the blockchain. I wonder, if we take the mining out of Bitcoin, what ...
Wapac's user avatar
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How do I find a pubkey and the nbits value to generate a genesis block?

I am hoping to create a new cryptocurrency from a Bitcoin fork, mostly for learning, and a little bit of fun. I roughly followed this answer to get as far as I am, but the genesis generator requires a ...
Jordan LaPrise's user avatar
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How to build my own bitcoin system? [duplicate]

I want to know whether there exists any software that can let people create their own private personal Bitcoin, and mine their own Bitcoin. Or any other software that can let people issue their own ...
user2131116's user avatar
5 votes
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How to generate Ed25519 public key from private key using libsodium?

Not all crypto currencies are using secp256k1 technology for keypair generation and digital signatures. Curve25519 technology (frequently used to support ECDH key exchanges) is being used by a few ...
skaht's user avatar
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Reject all other Blocks and allow only my own mined blocks

I am looking at the source code and I want to know how a person can reject all blocks except the ones mined by himself? I want to be still able to add transaction to my blocks but reject all other ...
mmitech's user avatar
3 votes
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Problem In Creating Genesis Block Twister-Core using Ubuntu and (Qt Creator IDE)

I am trying to create a genesis block in twister-core using Ubuntu and IDE Qt Creator. I have compiled the twister-core successfully, I have changed the these parameters for creating the genesis block ...
amit kumar's user avatar
2 votes
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In what scenarios can the blockchain size decrease for bitcoin?

I am running a private bitcoin network for which I changed the target time between two blocks to 12 seconds and the difficulty adjustment to 25 blocks interval. I ran the network for about 4 hours ...
bawejakunal's user avatar
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Can a blockchain be created that forgets transactions whose outputs have been spent?

Is it possible for a blockchain based currency to say, after all outputs have been spent from a transaction to "delete" it from the blockchain, or at least require the nodes not to download it, what ...
Rich's user avatar
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Is there an easier way to run multiple altcoins in one service than operating each daemon? [closed]

I am interested how to operate multiple currencies in one service like modern trading platforms do: Cryptsy(496 trading pairs), Bittrex (328 trading pairs), Poliniex(172 trading pairs). The only way ...
Sabine's user avatar
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How can one create a Genesis Block for a new Proof of Stake Cryptocurrency?

I've been trying to fork the cryptocurrency Clams for about a week now. All of my code is correct to the coin's specifications, but I've been stuck on the creation of the blockchain. The developers ...
CyberCriminal's user avatar
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How do I get started with mastercoin? What tutorial or guide is a good start? [closed]

How do I get started with Mastercoin? Are there useful tutorials or guides? I am looking at creating a cryptocurrency on Mastercoin so as to leverage on the features of the Bitcoin blockchain and ...
Ifetayo's user avatar
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Blockchain as a way to host truly free social website like reddit

Some time ago I started wondering: what if we create a new coin and use its Blockchain to store a website content? Bitcoin is P2P, that way it is almost impossible to block bitcoin. Everything in the ...
noisy's user avatar
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Is there an altcoin generator with merged-mining support?

I am wondering - is there a service similar to CoinCreator that allows one to generate altcoins with built-in support for merged mining?
ThePiachu's user avatar
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