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Unable to use external SSD for Bitcoin datadir in Ubuntu

I'm learning about how to run a Bitcoin full node. I have started tinkering with it on Windows, and have put the data directory in an external SSD drive I got specifically for storing the entire ...
desolate_mountain's user avatar
2 votes
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How do I go about "searching your distribution's package database for the missing files" to get the GUI working for Ubuntu Linux?

In the Bitcoin Core instructions, it says that to use the GUI, you have to execute bitcoin-qt. It gives this explanation for a potential obstacle: If all the required libraries are installed, Bitcoin ...
CoinZwischenzug's user avatar
2 votes
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Which version of Bitcoin Core do I need for a Dell laptop with Ubuntu?

I am not technically proficient but I want to download Bitcoin Core on my Dell laptop with Ubuntu. I have a new external drive and want to download a (pruned) BTC node for use in conjunction with ...
Sam Sam's user avatar
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4 votes
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Build phase fails with undefined reference to `evhttp_uridecode`

I try to build Bitcoin Core on my Ubuntu 23.10 machine using the "Build Unix" documentation page but it fails with undefined reference to evhttp_uridecode. Here are the details: I started by ...
Hassen's user avatar
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bitcoind 23.0 crashed mysteriously after 2 hours, what do I do next?

My new bitcoin node ran for about two hours and then crashed for no apparent reason. What do I do next to debug or fix the problem? This is my first time running a bitcoin node. I have lots of ...
Epictitus's user avatar
0 votes
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My Bitcoin-QT directories are empty? (Ubuntu)

According to Bitcoin-QT (I am using the snap store version) my Datadir is /home/(username)/snap/bitcoin-core/common/.bitcoin and my Blocksdir is home/(username)/snap/bitcoin-core/common/.bitcoin/...
Thanks's user avatar
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1 answer

Problem with the first Initialization of my LN node, dial tcp my-external-ip:9735: connect: connection timed out

Background I was following 402 Payment Required's LN video and everything was good until the moment of the first Initialization of my LN node. I got an error: dial tcp my-external-ip:9735: connect: ...
scott.carter.2020's user avatar
2 votes
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How to upgrade Bitcoin Core from 0.18 to 0.20 on Ubuntu 18.04?

I've installed Bitcoin Core on Ubuntu 18.04 (CLI). Now, the version 0.20 of Bitcoin Core is released and I want to upgrade my server to it, but it seems the new version is not included in PPA yet. May ...
Mohammad Saberi's user avatar
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Why is there currently no bitcoin package in Debian?

Why is the bitcoin package currently not in Debian? And how to help get it back in there? It'd make it a lot easier for more people to run a full node with this.
furunodo's user avatar
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How to resolve Bitcoin Daemon Warning of last 100 blocks have unexpected version message?

When I run my bitcoin daemon on ubuntu I get the follow warning message. How do I resolve this? And I just pruned my blockchain to 5gb if that affects anything. progress=1.000000 cache=40.4MiB(...
Patoshi パトシ's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Can't reach remote bitcoin rpc server

I got vps with ubuntu 18.04 with ssh access and bitoind set up on it. This is my bitcoin.conf file: testnet=1 prune=35840 maxconnections=12 muxuploadtarget=20 daemon=1 server=1 rpcclienttimeout=5000 ...
ruhtren's user avatar
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free up space by deleting blocks

I've run into an issue where a bitcoin partition reached 100%. I created a new partition and try to move the whole Bitcoin directory over, but I seem to be handicapped by "no space left on device" ...
Sonic Soul's user avatar
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1 answer

Error getting bitcoin block to process from DB

i am installing a full node on a linux server and i'm trying to connect to bitcoin with BIFROST( but i am getting the error below which ...
user72642's user avatar
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Changing wallet password using double quotation marks turn out to be mysterious (Qtum Core)

I installed Qtum core in my Ubuntu 16.04 server and generated my wallet, and encrypted it. For the test purpose, I changed the password using the command like below. I typed below command to change ...
JayB Kim's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

How to compile Bitcoin-Qt as an .exe on Ubuntu?

After struggeling with the dependencies for a while, I finally managed to compile Bitcoin-Qt on my Ubuntu machine. I used the following commandos for compiling: ./ ./configure -with-gui ...
user3600338's user avatar
0 votes
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How to compile coins from github? (linux mint/ubuntu)

I tried to install a couple of coins from GitHub code, but none succeeded. For example, this (or other): Please step-by step guide
droidz's user avatar
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1 answer

Can't run Bitcoin Core 0.13.1

I have been running Bitcoin Core 0.12.1 for many months - using Ubuntu (Linux). Decided to upgrade to SegWit version - 0.13.1 - today. Downloaded and extracted the files (on my Ubuntu / Linux system)...
user6542's user avatar
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How to install Electrum wallet in an offline Linux computer?

So I want to play with the Electrum wallet, but as Cold Storage. Then what I plan to do is to install a raw Ubuntu 16.04 LTS into a computer "A" which I will never plug to the internet. So, with ...
knocte's user avatar
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Which command line software tools are required to mine litecoin

I have compiled litecoin core and am currently running litecoind which is downloading the blockchain. What other command-line tools do I need in order to mine litecoin without a GUI? And what are the ...
codecowboy's user avatar
2 votes
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How do I generate a bootstrap file on Ubuntu?

I would like to generate a Bitcoin and Dogecoin (qt) bootstrap file on my ubuntu machine. Is there any way to do this? I know it's possible with Windows but I'm on Ubuntu. Thanks.
mrbear235's user avatar
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3 answers

Neither cgminer nor BFGminer detect my Zeusminer Blizzard. (Ubuntu/Linux/Mint)

I'm having trouble getting my Zeusminer Blizzard running; neither cgminer nor BFGminer detect it. Here are the results of lsusb: Bus 001 Device 025: ID 10c4:ea60 Cygnal Integrated Products, Inc. ...
felwithe's user avatar
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Why I obtain this error trying to compile this wallet?

I am not yet a Linux guy and I am going crazy trying to install the MJ Coin wallet compiling it on Ubuntu 14.04. This are the only provided instruction to install it: Debian First, make sure ...
AndreaNobili's user avatar
-4 votes
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How can I set up DogeCoin wallet on Ubuntu? [closed]

I just newly introduced with Dogecoins, how can I set up wallet to store Dogecoins on my Ubuntu machine? I have tried lots of references but I cant get simple way. May I know how can mine Dogecoins ...
codeBYmahesh's user avatar
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What compatibility issues might be expected when using the MegaCoin wallet on Wine? [closed]

Installing a wallet under linux is sometimes difficult without an up-to-date tutorial for users who are not familiar with linux. I found that it is pretty easy to install wine on Ubuntu 12.04.4 ...
gotqn's user avatar
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Issue running cgminer from crontab

I trying to script the launch of cgminer based on a crontab. Using a crontab entry that fires up a bash shell script that launches cgminer. Running the script directly launches cgminer flawlessly. ...
user2991576's user avatar
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Dogecoin wallet console use full commands? [duplicate]

I am looking for a list with Dogecoin wallet commands that I can run into linux terminal. The interface seems useful, my pretty basic. For example, how can I check which is my wallet version? This ...
gotqn's user avatar
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How to set Dogecoin Wallet Encryption? [duplicate]

Should I make a Dogecoin wallet addresses encryption? If yes, what are the pros and cons and how it is made on linux - Ubuntu 13.10?
gotqn's user avatar
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Help - Running R9 290x graphics card headless in Linux

Running Ubuntu 13.10. When I hook up the card to a monitor through HDMI, cgminer detects the card. When I unplug the HDMI cable from the monitor, the system throws a blank screen. I can ssh in from ...
user12355's user avatar
2 votes
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What dependencies are needed to build the dogecoin client?

What are the actual dogecoin client requirements? Their list doesn't seem to match exactly with what I have available, and I had to go back and forth with apt to even install what I have so far, and ...
Thufir's user avatar
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Is cgminer used for both bitcoin and litecoin GPU mining?

I'm trying to figure out which software to download for my Ubuntu 12.04 box to start some litecoin mining. Via google search, I keep coming up with cgminer for both bitcoin and litecoin mining. How ...
oshirowanen's user avatar
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Scrypt server mining process killed

On my vps I decided to start mining litecoin because I wasn't really using the server for anything. I thought, why not? I ran the cpuminer script with the correct command line arguments and it ...
markd's user avatar
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5 votes
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Administration of bfgminer in linux

I'm just starting to screw around with bitcoin mining. I've been a long time Boinc pseudo-enthusiast and so I just had to check out bitcoin mining. I've started using bfgminer and I'm a little ...
neanderslob's user avatar
4 votes
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Building from source static bitcoind on Ubuntu

I'm trying to build bitcoind from source on Ubuntu 13.04: $ apt-get install libboost-all-dev ccache pkg-config # deps $ git clone $ cd bitcoin $ ./configure --...
strand's user avatar
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3 votes
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BFGMINER error while loading shared libraries

I just installed BFGMINER on my Ubuntu 12.04LTS laptop and it won't let me set it up with my pool. administrator@T41-Server:~$ sudo bfgminer -o -u wizardmorax.ibm_ubuntu -px -S ...
wizardmorax's user avatar
5 votes
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How to run a bitcoin server with automatic restart and backup?

What would be the best way to start writing a script to automatically run a bitcoind server on an Ubuntu startup, make regular backups and restart from a backup on error. Would this normally be done ...
ZenBalance's user avatar
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ATI GPU for mining with display attached to integrated graphics?

I'm running Ubuntu 12.04 and I'd like to attach my monitor to the onboard Intel graphic and have my GPU (ATI 67xx) for mining solely. So far I'm struggling with setting up the ATI GPU. Do I need to ...
pitseeker's user avatar
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