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3 votes

Creating an OP_CSV transaction with bitcoinjs

In bitcoin-js you could do something like this aliceToBobRedeemScript = bitcoin.script.compile([, bitcoin.opcodes.OP_IF, bitcoin.opcodes.OP_HASH160, aliceSecretHash, bitcoin.opcodes....
MandelDuck's user avatar
2 votes

What is the status of smart contracts in bitcoin?

Are contracts described here already available for use? Yes. Some of them are admittedly kind of arbitrary. For example, you can trustlessly sell someone a solution to a Sudoku. What does that mean? ...
Nick ODell's user avatar
  • 29.5k
2 votes

Transaction Puzzles, Awareness and Questions

How would people (likely power users) even be aware that these funds were out there, and available to be redeemed if they solved the puzzles. As you mentioned, it could be that either the creator of ...
chytrik's user avatar
  • 18.4k
1 vote

How to find the contract address

BTC does not have a 'contract address', it is the native token of the Bitcoin network. As mentioned by Romo, a Metamask wallet cannot hold BTC. You will need a proper bitcoin wallet for that.
chytrik's user avatar
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Creating an OP_CSV transaction with bitcoinjs

To answer the question: What does the timeDelay value represent? How can I e.g. lock the funds for 2 blocks? Please see the following example using bitcoinjs: let bip68 = require('bip68') bip68....
Ken Huang's user avatar
1 vote

Creating an OP_CSV transaction with bitcoinjs

following the link 1.) the timeDelay in your example represents two possibilities: // There are two kinds of nSequence: lock-by-...
pebwindkraft's user avatar
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1 vote

Spending transaction with custom output

Typically wallets do not support spending coins with any scriptPubKey except the ones they hand out themselves (in the sense that an address is a shorthand for a particulatlr scriptPubKey). This is ...
Pieter Wuille's user avatar

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