New answers tagged doublespend
Do miners calculate the balance including the mempool?
All Bitcoin balances are held in separate uniquely identifiable unspent transaction outputs (utxo). Transaction outputs are uniquely identified by their outpoint which is composed from the identifier ...
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doublespend × 287transactions × 61
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unconfirmed-transactions × 20
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security × 18
mining-theory × 16
attack × 16
blockchain-fork × 15
proof-of-work × 14
utxo × 14
majority-attack × 14
bitcoind × 12
ripple × 9
transaction-verification × 9
consensus × 9
zero-confirmation × 9
transaction-fees × 8
fraud × 8
chain-reorganization × 8
wallet × 7
whitepaper × 7
electrum × 6
protocol × 6